[math4] Developer Teams

Karlie Robinson karlie_robinson at webpath.net
Thu Mar 19 09:12:39 EDT 2009

David Liana wrote:
> Steve Buck wrote:
> I am planning on working on this in the evenings and weekends.  I'm in
> US EDT right now (GMT-4).
> I'm also in Rochester but not associated with RIT.
The Rochester NY contingency is quite large - at least by Open source 
development standards. In fact, unless you've been hired by someone and 
have office space together, more than two people in the same region on 
the same project is almost unheard of.  ;-)

The only suggestion I would make beyond connecting via IRC and this list 
is to attend the community OLPC SIG at RIT once a month [1] .  Fred 
Grose and Steve Jacobs scheduled it in the same place as the LUG Of 
Rochester meeting [2] to help put you guys on auto pilot.

Bad news - I won't be at next weeks meeting and neither with Charles 
Profit (another one of the LUGOR  recruits for this project).  Charles 
has been kind enough to chauffeur me to EdTech Day in Ithaca [3].  
(truth - he also has a talk to give [4] and I'm bumming a ride)

[1] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Rochester%2C_NY
[2] http://www.lugor.org/
[3] http://www.ithaca.edu/edtechday
[4] http://www.ithaca.edu/edtechday/seminars.php

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