[math4] i18n

Mike Major jmikem at bellsouth.net
Thu Jun 18 22:07:44 EDT 2009

i'm struggling right now with how to display some text on the screen
with some graphics. the easiest way would be to just include it in the
svg graphics. [1]

however, then i started thinking of internationization (i18n). if the
text is in the graphics, it would not be translatable. 

the questions here is: should i be concerned about i18n? i know this is
a open source project and you never know where it might end up. i guess
i'm looking for some input and other people's thoughts. 

-are people planning for i18n? 
-do we expect that the activities will end up outside of the us? or even
in the us and used for teaching non-native english speakers?

i guess i'm looking for a get-out-of-jail-free card and wondering if
anyone has one. 

[1] = we're planning on several screens with a graphic and some text to
go with it. there will be some "back" and "forward" buttons for
navigation. i'm trying to find a clean and elegant way of holding the
information for the screen information; something like a C-struct i
think but i'm not sure yet.

thanks for the input,

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