[math4] Wheatland-Chili Centra School Dist Update

Karlie Robinson karlie_robinson at webpath.net
Tue Apr 28 11:52:58 EDT 2009

Update on recruiting educators in the Greater Rochester NY area. 

We've set May 21 at 3:30 to talk with teachers about helping on the 
math4team.  Susan Johnson, our contact at WCSD also asked if it was 
alright to invite other districts to join us.  My reply was that we'd be 
tickled pink.  I also suggested that we could be very flexible and meet 
at another time and location if some teachers were interested but 
couldn't make the meeting. 

She also asked what my title with the group is and I stated "Project 
Coordinator" since we don't have a formal guiding group right now.  If 
you'd rather have elections or other formal process to figure out who 
leads this motley crew, please speak up.  My personal preferance would 
be to have a small committee who can formalize our direction here - 
Clint Savage, Dave Nalley, Brian Powell - Yes I'm talking to you too. 


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