[Dextrose] [PATCH 53/54] Fix for bug uy#747.

Esteban Bordón ebordon at plan.ceibal.edu.uy
Mon Nov 21 07:04:50 EST 2011

2011/11/19 Sascha Silbe <sascha-ml-reply-to-2011-4 at silbe.org>

> Has UY done any modification to Sugar to make it work reasonably with
> the JumPC screen? If so, where are those patches? (I'll need them for
> testing). Are they doing any other customisations like changing the font
> size?
The only patch that we doing for JumPC screen is modifying $SUGAR_SCALING
in /usr/bin/sugar

if test -z "$SUGAR_SCALING"; then
- export SUGAR_SCALING=100
+ export SUGAR_SCALING=72

And we change the font size:

gconftool-2 --set /desktop/sugar/font/default_size --type float 10

With these changes Sugar works fine in general. The main problem is that
the scaling in activities depends of each one, so would have to modify each

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