[Dextrose] [PATCH 51/54] au#687: Add network proxy config extension to CP

Anish Mangal anish at sugarlabs.org
Tue Nov 8 13:21:44 EST 2011

fwiw, Aleskey's original work didn't include a svg icon for the CP. 
That was my creation, any error related to that should be attributed to 
me ;-)

Tested (but not very thoroughly) on a xo-1 running dx3g051

On Tue 08 Nov 2011 11:48:02 PM IST, Anish Mangal wrote:
> This work has been done and maintained by:
> Aleksey Lim <alsroot at activitycentral.org>
> here:
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/alsroot/proxy_cp
> Signed-off-by: Anish Mangal <anish at sugarlabs.org>
> ---
>  configure.ac                           |    1 +
>  data/icons/Makefile.am                 |    3 +-
>  data/icons/module-proxy.svg            |  361 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  extensions/cpsection/Makefile.am       |    1 +
>  extensions/cpsection/proxy/Makefile.am |    6 +
>  extensions/cpsection/proxy/__init__.py |   21 ++
>  extensions/cpsection/proxy/model.py    |   14 ++
>  extensions/cpsection/proxy/view.py     |  367 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  8 files changed, 773 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 data/icons/module-proxy.svg
>  create mode 100644 extensions/cpsection/proxy/Makefile.am
>  create mode 100644 extensions/cpsection/proxy/__init__.py
>  create mode 100644 extensions/cpsection/proxy/model.py
>  create mode 100644 extensions/cpsection/proxy/view.py
> diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
> index 86f6116..e2fbaed 100644
> --- a/configure.ac
> +++ b/configure.ac
> @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ extensions/cpsection/network/Makefile
>  extensions/cpsection/power/Makefile
>  extensions/cpsection/updater/backends/Makefile
>  extensions/cpsection/updater/Makefile
> +extensions/cpsection/proxy/Makefile
>  extensions/deviceicon/Makefile
>  extensions/globalkey/Makefile
>  extensions/Makefile
> diff --git a/data/icons/Makefile.am b/data/icons/Makefile.am
> index 2497c4a..2582c31 100644
> --- a/data/icons/Makefile.am
> +++ b/data/icons/Makefile.am
> @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ sugar_DATA =                        \
>  	module-modemconfiguration.svg	\
>  	module-network.svg              \
>  	module-power.svg                \
> -	module-updater.svg
> +	module-updater.svg		\
> +	module-proxy.svg
>  EXTRA_DIST = $(sugar_DATA)
> diff --git a/data/icons/module-proxy.svg b/data/icons/module-proxy.svg
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..a22a7a8
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/data/icons/module-proxy.svg
> @@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
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> + -4.062,5.104 -4.734,7.02 4.05,1.909 4.746,-5.097 m 23.687,22.995 -1.356,-10.228 h -8.785 l -0.682,7.659 -8.139,-1.269 -2.016,-8.3 -4.063,-2.559 -4.745,5.745 -4.735,-1.268 -1.366,4.452 5.428,1.301 v 41.479 l 19.159,4.615 c -0.445,0.759 -0.771,1.41 -0.879,1.756 -1.364,4.477 5.406,6.415 10.144,4.477 1.753,-0.705 12.797,-4.952 16.295,-13.283 4.879,-11.605 8.03,-28.314 8.877,-33.722 l -2.146,-4.693 -13.545,5.117 -7.466,-1.28 h 0.02 m -6.783,-169.88 c -30.978,-46.973 -105.41,-77.669 -105.41,-77.669 l -19.166,10.039 -2.722,-4.453 -6.761,-2.563 v 5.753 l 6.091,5.115 -4.053,1.912 -15.582,1.268 -35.211,19.158 3.381,15.322 -4.075,1.284 -2.015,3.186 11.512,17.223 0.671,5.759 -9.476,1.913 v 11.486 l -5.412,1.273 0.677,8.944 -46.058,31.938 1.355,17.852 c 3.38,4.475 29.798,31.293 29.798,31.293 0,0 30.464,1.263 37.237,-2.551 6.777,-3.831 2.025,3.831 4.068,5.748 2.016,1.923 2.709,15.322 4.724,16.601 2.038,1.271 0,8.923 2.709,11.502 2.71,2.534 2.71,33.19 2.71,33.19 0,0 16.252,27.445
> + 16.252,34.468 0,7.021 -0.683,6.382 12.189,5.742 12.863,-0.628 15.571,-5.742 18.281,-7.649 2.709,-1.908 2.709,-6.383 5.417,-10.229 2.731,-3.839 7.455,-18.499 13.556,-23.602 6.078,-5.126 22.343,-8.96 23.686,-17.879 1.356,-8.949 7.443,-15.972 7.443,-15.972 l 29.278,-30.968 -0.823,4.161 -0.671,15.95 8.81,-3.187 -0.672,-17.25 -3.154,-3.343 0.446,-0.487 c 0,0 -2.037,-3.831 -4.734,-3.831 -2.712,0 -18.974,3.831 -21.672,3.196 -2.711,-0.644 -14.228,-31.292 -16.253,-32.549 -2.039,-1.279 -14.889,-22.359 -14.889,-22.359 0,0 29.776,35.751 34.521,49.795 2.751,8.18 13.089,0.563 21.497,-7.97 l 2.222,5.429 5.407,-1.29 -0.671,-6.381 h 6.088 v 9.573 l -2.024,5.115 -0.694,8.29 5.429,5.119 2.71,-4.459 8.776,-8.311 10.162,-5.108 2.721,5.108 1.354,7.027 -2.709,7.655 -5.417,4.47 -2.708,11.491 v 5.743 l -6.091,-3.836 -0.671,-12.118 -8.8,0.648 -4.051,10.842 6.089,8.948 14.216,1.92 11.507,-10.868 1.354,-21.044 5.127,-6.766 c 3.337,8.576 5.722,17.548 5.722,25.914 0,9.167 7.259,-4.628 3.707,-32.583
> + 0.003,-0.001 -5.567,-66.402 -36.255,-97.088 z m -135.423,27.505 -36.561,-1.294 15.56,-12.759 h 8.127 l 12.874,8.928 v 5.125 m 44.706,-4.469 v 5.743 h -15.569 l 1.354,3.841 -9.493,1.289 -0.66,3.169 -6.772,-1.256 -12.2,-2.568 2.038,-3.181 2.037,-3.846 6.771,-7.022 2.72,5.115 10.142,-0.646 5.418,-5.754 20.999,3.836 -6.785,1.28 m 1.345,-8.305 -8.128,1.273 -1.343,-5.753 10.143,-1.268 1.366,-5.743 7.454,7.666 -9.492,3.814 v 0.011 m 39.289,198.535 -4.746,3.837 0.674,9.579 h 6.088 v -8.278 l 5.441,-7.043 v -14.672 l -3.404,-0.662 -4.053,17.239 0,0 m -45.369,-19.135 c 0,0 -4.746,1.234 0.662,3.185 5.418,1.93 27.09,-31.271 27.09,-31.271 l -18.291,11.487 -9.472,16.6 h 0.011 m -36.862,122.355 -4.052,-3.858 -8.127,-1.289 -1.343,3.869 -10.836,-1.278 -0.681,-5.135 h -8.123 l -8.798,5.135 h -15.56 l -1.355,-3.856 -25.041,-2.59 -4.063,3.867 -10.138,-2.556 -1.359,-9.016 -4.735,-0.661 -5.418,9.677 -18.273,-0.65 c 3.272,1.538 30.551,17.824 72.403,21.214 55.5,4.487 81.896,-8.991 81.896,-8.991 

> +l -2.025,-1.951 
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> +-15.213,22.418 -18.837,21.97 -6.562,-0.868 -15.029,-0.938 -16.833,1.197 -2.396,2.817 5.363,-9.688 12.038,-13.479 -7.964,2.346 -22.234,-4.903 -47.964,13.273 -8.701,6.15 -30.541,31.066 -39.528,40.645 -37.968,44.826 -41.029,83.175 -41.029,84.876 0,3.31 8.04,5.179 8.733,9.167 0.704,3.95 -13.29,17.218 -13.29,23.839 0,3.044 -7.005,36.114 8.381,77.496 13.647,39.257 40.054,73.879 43.445,76.046 l 9.725,-5.158 c 0,0 -16.091,-28.486 -16.784,-31.141 -0.693,-2.647 18.188,-41.068 27.295,-39.727 9.091,1.29 6.994,3.968 12.591,0.65 5.602,-3.292 9.096,-30.479 15.392,-33.113 6.301,-2.663 13.29,-5.969 12.596,-12.592 -0.729,-6.644 -24.513,-18.557 -26.604,-20.54 m 151.819,-194.755 -18.888,-6.626 3.5,10.608 15.388,-3.982 m -70.666,24.511 c 2.107,0 44.074,-27.81 39.881,-28.481 -4.188,-0.655 -4.887,0 -16.102,-1.327 -11.177,-1.322 -23.084,15.901 -25.875,18.562 -2.802,2.647 -1.859,11.246 2.096,11.246 m 192.63,199.731 5.42,-7.031 -5.42,-1.905 -4.062,5.104 -4.734,7.02 4.05,1.909 4.746,-5.097
> + m 23.687,22.995 -1.356,-10.228 h -8.785 l -0.682,7.659 -8.139,-1.269 -2.016,-8.3 -4.063,-2.559 -4.745,5.745 -4.735,-1.268 -1.366,4.452 5.428,1.301 v 41.479 l 19.159,4.615 c -0.445,0.759 -0.771,1.41 -0.879,1.756 -1.364,4.477 5.406,6.415 10.144,4.477 1.753,-0.705 12.797,-4.952 16.295,-13.283 4.879,-11.605 8.03,-28.314 8.877,-33.722 l -2.146,-4.693 -13.545,5.117 -7.466,-1.28 h 0.02 m -6.783,-169.88 c -30.978,-46.973 -105.41,-77.669 -105.41,-77.669 l -19.166,10.039 -2.722,-4.453 -6.761,-2.563 v 5.753 l 6.091,5.115 -4.053,1.912 -15.582,1.268 -35.211,19.158 3.381,15.322 -4.075,1.284 -2.015,3.186 11.512,17.223 0.671,5.759 -9.476,1.913 v 11.486 l -5.412,1.273 0.677,8.944 -46.058,31.938 1.355,17.852 c 3.38,4.475 29.798,31.293 29.798,31.293 0,0 30.464,1.263 37.237,-2.551 6.777,-3.831 2.025,3.831 4.068,5.748 2.016,1.923 2.709,15.322 4.724,16.601 2.038,1.271 0,8.923 2.709,11.502 2.71,2.534 2.71,33.19 2.71,33.19 0,0 16.252,27.445 16.252,34.468 0,7.021 -0.683,6.382 12.189,5.742 12.863,
> +15.571,-5.742 18.281,-7.649 2.709,-1.908 2.709,-6.383 5.417,-10.229 2.731,-3.839 7.455,-18.499 13.556,-23.602 6.078,-5.126 22.343,-8.96 23.686,-17.879 1.356,-8.949 7.443,-15.972 7.443,-15.972 l 29.278,-30.968 -0.823,4.161 -0.671,15.95 8.81,-3.187 -0.672,-17.25 -3.154,-3.343 0.446,-0.487 c 0,0 -2.037,-3.831 -4.734,-3.831 -2.712,0 -18.974,3.831 -21.672,3.196 -2.711,-0.644 -14.228,-31.292 -16.253,-32.549 -2.039,-1.279 -14.889,-22.359 -14.889,-22.359 0,0 29.776,35.751 34.521,49.795 2.751,8.18 13.089,0.563 21.497,-7.97 l 2.222,5.429 5.407,-1.29 -0.671,-6.381 h 6.088 v 9.573 l -2.024,5.115 -0.694,8.29 5.429,5.119 2.71,-4.459 8.776,-8.311 10.162,-5.108 2.721,5.108 1.354,7.027 -2.709,7.655 -5.417,4.47 -2.708,11.491 v 5.743 l -6.091,-3.836 -0.671,-12.118 -8.8,0.648 -4.051,10.842 6.089,8.948 14.216,1.92 11.507,-10.868 1.354,-21.044 5.127,-6.766 c 3.337,8.576 5.722,17.548 5.722,25.914 0,9.167 7.259,-4.628 3.707,-32.583 0.003,-0.001 -5.567,-66.402 -36.255,-97.088 z m -135.423,27.505
> + -36.561,-1.294 15.56,-12.759 h 8.127 l 12.874,8.928 v 5.125 m 44.706,-4.469 v 5.743 h -15.569 l 1.354,3.841 -9.493,1.289 -0.66,3.169 -6.772,-1.256 -12.2,-2.568 2.038,-3.181 2.037,-3.846 6.771,-7.022 2.72,5.115 10.142,-0.646 5.418,-5.754 20.999,3.836 -6.785,1.28 m 1.345,-8.305 -8.128,1.273 -1.343,-5.753 10.143,-1.268 1.366,-5.743 7.454,7.666 -9.492,3.814 v 0.011 m 39.289,198.535 -4.746,3.837 0.674,9.579 h 6.088 v -8.278 l 5.441,-7.043 v -14.672 l -3.404,-0.662 -4.053,17.239 0,0 m -45.369,-19.135 c 0,0 -4.746,1.234 0.662,3.185 5.418,1.93 27.09,-31.271 27.09,-31.271 l -18.291,11.487 -9.472,16.6 h 0.011 m -36.862,122.355 -4.052,-3.858 -8.127,-1.289 -1.343,3.869 -10.836,-1.278 -0.681,-5.135 h -8.123 l -8.798,5.135 h -15.56 l -1.355,-3.856 -25.041,-2.59 -4.063,3.867 -10.138,-2.556 -1.359,-9.016 -4.735,-0.661 -5.418,9.677 -18.273,-0.65 c 3.272,1.538 30.551,17.824 72.403,21.214 55.5,4.487 81.896,-8.991 81.896,-8.991 l -2.025,-1.951 -24.371,-1.918 v -0.013 l -10e-4,0 z"
> +       transform="matrix(1.1261275,0,0,1.1261275,-123.16579,191.65755)"
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> +       d="m 200.897,116.781 c -1.04,0 -2.184,0.428 -3.348,1.089 2.741,-0.802 4.03,-1.089 3.348,-1.089 m 67.869,13.235 0.677,-9.925 -10.473,0.655 1.382,9.27 h 8.414 M 150.528,301.594 c -2.113,-1.988 -0.699,-10.608 -0.699,-10.608 0,0 -31.488,-16.545 -65.767,-26.493 -4.227,-1.225 -2.091,-9.932 2.091,-13.23 l -1.387,-9.297 c -0.693,-4.622 7.005,-27.148 14.698,-29.12 7.699,-2 -0.705,13.235 -0.705,13.235 l -7.688,4.637 c 0,0 9.092,10.592 11.199,10.592 2.092,0 5.591,-5.31 5.591,-5.31 l -9.79,-6.604 9.091,-3.988 0.574,-3.489 1.528,-0.487 15.062,-22.809 c 10.407,-4.258 23.199,-9.535 24.824,-10.31 2.806,-1.316 22.387,-12.569 25.887,-15.213 3.51,-2.666 11.187,-1.988 13.982,-1.988 2.812,0 7,-1.333 7.698,-8.631 0.699,-7.281 3.5,-8.608 5.607,-6.615 2.102,1.967 -2.107,5.293 2.796,6.615 4.893,1.333 9.092,4.644 12.597,1.333 2.557,-2.422 -0.867,-5.186 -3.17,-7.271 h 38.846 l 4.205,-11.947 -9.097,-1.321 -33.596,-3.305 v -3.982 l -2.676,0.456 c 3.635,-19.987 25.236,-16.692 8.972,-28.259 -0.98
> + -15.213,22.418 -18.837,21.97 -6.562,-0.868 -15.029,-0.938 -16.833,1.197 -2.396,2.817 5.363,-9.688 12.038,-13.479 -7.964,2.346 -22.234,-4.903 -47.964,13.273 -8.701,6.15 -30.541,31.066 -39.528,40.645 -37.968,44.826 -41.029,83.175 -41.029,84.876 0,3.31 8.04,5.179 8.733,9.167 0.704,3.95 -13.29,17.218 -13.29,23.839 0,3.044 -7.005,36.114 8.381,77.496 13.647,39.257 40.054,73.879 43.445,76.046 l 9.725,-5.158 c 0,0 -16.091,-28.486 -16.784,-31.141 -0.693,-2.647 18.188,-41.068 27.295,-39.727 9.091,1.29 6.994,3.968 12.591,0.65 5.602,-3.292 9.096,-30.479 15.392,-33.113 6.301,-2.663 13.29,-5.969 12.596,-12.592 -0.729,-6.644 -24.513,-18.557 -26.604,-20.54 m 151.819,-194.755 -18.888,-6.626 3.5,10.608 15.388,-3.982 m -70.666,24.511 c 2.107,0 44.074,-27.81 39.881,-28.481 -4.188,-0.655 -4.887,0 -16.102,-1.327 -11.177,-1.322 -23.084,15.901 -25.875,18.562 -2.802,2.647 -1.859,11.246 2.096,11.246 m 192.63,199.731 5.42,-7.031 -5.42,-1.905 -4.062,5.104 -4.734,7.02 4.05,1.909
> + 4.746,-5.097 m 23.687,22.995 -1.356,-10.228 h -8.785 l -0.682,7.659 -8.139,-1.269 -2.016,-8.3 -4.063,-2.559 -4.745,5.745 -4.735,-1.268 -1.366,4.452 5.428,1.301 v 41.479 l 19.159,4.615 c -0.445,0.759 -0.771,1.41 -0.879,1.756 -1.364,4.477 5.406,6.415 10.144,4.477 1.753,-0.705 12.797,-4.952 16.295,-13.283 4.879,-11.605 8.03,-28.314 8.877,-33.722 l -2.146,-4.693 -13.545,5.117 -7.466,-1.28 h 0.02 m -6.783,-169.88 c -30.978,-46.973 -105.41,-77.669 -105.41,-77.669 l -19.166,10.039 -2.722,-4.453 -6.761,-2.563 v 5.753 l 6.091,5.115 -4.053,1.912 -15.582,1.268 -35.211,19.158 3.381,15.322 -4.075,1.284 -2.015,3.186 11.512,17.223 0.671,5.759 -9.476,1.913 v 11.486 l -5.412,1.273 0.677,8.944 -46.058,31.938 1.355,17.852 c 3.38,4.475 29.798,31.293 29.798,31.293 0,0 30.464,1.263 37.237,-2.551 6.777,-3.831 2.025,3.831 4.068,5.748 2.016,1.923 2.709,15.322 4.724,16.601 2.038,1.271 0,8.923 2.709,11.502 2.71,2.534 2.71,33.19 2.71,33.19 0,0 16.252,27.445 16.252,34.468 0,7.021 -0.683,6.382
> + 12.189,5.742 12.863,-0.628 15.571,-5.742 18.281,-7.649 2.709,-1.908 2.709,-6.383 5.417,-10.229 2.731,-3.839 7.455,-18.499 13.556,-23.602 6.078,-5.126 22.343,-8.96 23.686,-17.879 1.356,-8.949 7.443,-15.972 7.443,-15.972 l 29.278,-30.968 -0.823,4.161 -0.671,15.95 8.81,-3.187 -0.672,-17.25 -3.154,-3.343 0.446,-0.487 c 0,0 -2.037,-3.831 -4.734,-3.831 -2.712,0 -18.974,3.831 -21.672,3.196 -2.711,-0.644 -14.228,-31.292 -16.253,-32.549 -2.039,-1.279 -14.889,-22.359 -14.889,-22.359 0,0 29.776,35.751 34.521,49.795 2.751,8.18 13.089,0.563 21.497,-7.97 l 2.222,5.429 5.407,-1.29 -0.671,-6.381 h 6.088 v 9.573 l -2.024,5.115 -0.694,8.29 5.429,5.119 2.71,-4.459 8.776,-8.311 10.162,-5.108 2.721,5.108 1.354,7.027 -2.709,7.655 -5.417,4.47 -2.708,11.491 v 5.743 l -6.091,-3.836 -0.671,-12.118 -8.8,0.648 -4.051,10.842 6.089,8.948 14.216,1.92 11.507,-10.868 1.354,-21.044 5.127,-6.766 c 3.337,8.576 5.722,17.548 5.722,25.914 0,9.167 7.259,-4.628 3.707,-32.583 0.003,-0.001 -5.567,-66.402 -36.255,-
> +z m -135.423,27.505 -36.561,-1.294 15.56,-12.759 h 8.127 l 12.874,8.928 v 5.125 m 44.706,-4.469 v 5.743 h -15.569 l 1.354,3.841 -9.493,1.289 -0.66,3.169 -6.772,-1.256 -12.2,-2.568 2.038,-3.181 2.037,-3.846 6.771,-7.022 2.72,5.115 10.142,-0.646 5.418,-5.754 20.999,3.836 -6.785,1.28 m 1.345,-8.305 -8.128,1.273 -1.343,-5.753 10.143,-1.268 1.366,-5.743 7.454,7.666 -9.492,3.814 v 0.011 m 39.289,198.535 -4.746,3.837 0.674,9.579 h 6.088 v -8.278 l 5.441,-7.043 v -14.672 l -3.404,-0.662 -4.053,17.239 0,0 m -45.369,-19.135 c 0,0 -4.746,1.234 0.662,3.185 5.418,1.93 27.09,-31.271 27.09,-31.271 l -18.291,11.487 -9.472,16.6 h 0.011 m -36.862,122.355 -4.052,-3.858 -8.127,-1.289 -1.343,3.869 -10.836,-1.278 -0.681,-5.135 h -8.123 l -8.798,5.135 h -15.56 l -1.355,-3.856 -25.041,-2.59 -4.063,3.867 -10.138,-2.556 -1.359,-9.016 -4.735,-0.661 -5.418,9.677 -18.273,-0.65 c 3.272,1.538 30.551,17.824 72.403,21.214 55.5,4.487 81.896,-8.991 81.896,-8.991 l -2.025,-1.951 -24.371,-1.918 v -0.013 l -10
e-4,0 z"
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> +       d="m 200.897,116.781 c -1.04,0 -2.184,0.428 -3.348,1.089 2.741,-0.802 4.03,-1.089 3.348,-1.089 m 67.869,13.235 0.677,-9.925 -10.473,0.655 1.382,9.27 h 8.414 M 150.528,301.594 c -2.113,-1.988 -0.699,-10.608 -0.699,-10.608 0,0 -31.488,-16.545 -65.767,-26.493 -4.227,-1.225 -2.091,-9.932 2.091,-13.23 l -1.387,-9.297 c -0.693,-4.622 7.005,-27.148 14.698,-29.12 7.699,-2 -0.705,13.235 -0.705,13.235 l -7.688,4.637 c 0,0 9.092,10.592 11.199,10.592 2.092,0 5.591,-5.31 5.591,-5.31 l -9.79,-6.604 9.091,-3.988 0.574,-3.489 1.528,-0.487 15.062,-22.809 c 10.407,-4.258 23.199,-9.535 24.824,-10.31 2.806,-1.316 22.387,-12.569 25.887,-15.213 3.51,-2.666 11.187,-1.988 13.982,-1.988 2.812,0 7,-1.333 7.698,-8.631 0.699,-7.281 3.5,-8.608 5.607,-6.615 2.102,1.967 -2.107,5.293 2.796,6.615 4.893,1.333 9.092,4.644 12.597,1.333 2.557,-2.422 -0.867,-5.186 -3.17,-7.271 h 38.846 l 4.205,-11.947 -9.097,-1.321 -33.596,-3.305 v -3.982 l -2.676,0.456 c 3.635,-19.987 25.236,-16.692 8.972,-28.259 -0.98
> +-15.213,22.418 -18.837,21.97 -6.562,-0.868 -15.029,-0.938 -16.833,1.197 -2.396,2.817 5.363,-9.688 12.038,-13.479 -7.964,2.346 -22.234,-4.903 -47.964,13.273 -8.701,6.15 -30.541,31.066 -39.528,40.645 -37.968,44.826 -41.029,83.175 -41.029,84.876 0,3.31 8.04,5.179 8.733,9.167 0.704,3.95 -13.29,17.218 -13.29,23.839 0,3.044 -7.005,36.114 8.381,77.496 13.647,39.257 40.054,73.879 43.445,76.046 l 9.725,-5.158 c 0,0 -16.091,-28.486 -16.784,-31.141 -0.693,-2.647 18.188,-41.068 27.295,-39.727 9.091,1.29 6.994,3.968 12.591,0.65 5.602,-3.292 9.096,-30.479 15.392,-33.113 6.301,-2.663 13.29,-5.969 12.596,-12.592 -0.729,-6.644 -24.513,-18.557 -26.604,-20.54 m 151.819,-194.755 -18.888,-6.626 3.5,10.608 15.388,-3.982 m -70.666,24.511 c 2.107,0 44.074,-27.81 39.881,-28.481 -4.188,-0.655 -4.887,0 -16.102,-1.327 -11.177,-1.322 
> +-23.084,15.901 -25.875,18.562 -2.802,2.647 -1.859,11.246 2.096,11.246 m 192.63,199.731 5.42,-7.031 -5.42,-1.905 -4.062,5.104 -4.734,7.02 4.05,1.909 4.746,-5.097 m 23.687,22.995 -1.356,-10.228 h -8.785 l -0.682,7.659 -8.139,-1.269 -2.016,-8.3 -4.063,-2.559 -4.745,5.745 -4.735,-1.268 -1.366,4.452 5.428,1.301 v 41.479 l 19.159,4.615 c -0.445,0.759 -0.771,1.41 -0.879,1.756 -1.364,4.477 5.406,6.415 10.144,4.477 1.753,-0.705 12.797,-4.952 16.295,-13.283 4.879,-11.605 8.03,-28.314 8.877,-33.722 l -2.146,-4.693 -13.545,5.117 -7.466,-1.28 h 0.02 m -6.783,-169.88 c -30.978,-46.973 -105.41,-77.669 -105.41,-77.669 l -19.166,10.039 -2.722,-4.453 -6.761,-2.563
> + v 5.753 l 6.091,5.115 -4.053,1.912 -15.582,1.268 -35.211,19.158 3.381,15.322 -4.075,1.284 -2.015,3.186 11.512,17.223 0.671,5.759 -9.476,1.913 v 11.486 l -5.412,1.273 0.677,8.944 -46.058,31.938 1.355,17.852 c 3.38,4.475 29.798,31.293 29.798,31.293 0,0 30.464,1.263 37.237,-2.551 6.777,-3.831 2.025,3.831 4.068,5.748 2.016,1.923 2.709,15.322 4.724,16.601 2.038,1.271 0,8.923 2.709,11.502 2.71,2.534 2.71,33.19 2.71,33.19 0,0 16.252,27.445 16.252,34.468 0,7.021 -0.683,6.382 12.189,5.742 12.863,-0.628 15.571,-5.742 18.281,-7.649 2.709,-1.908 2.709,-6.383 5.417,-10.229 2.731,-3.839 7.455,-18.499 13.556,-23.602 6.078,-5.126 22.343,-8.96 23.686,-17.879 1.356,-8.949 7.443,-15.972 7.443,-15.972 l 29.278,-30.968 -0.823,4.161 -0.671,15.95 8.81,-3.187 -0.672,-17.25 -3.154,-3.343 0.446,-0.487 c 0,0 -2.037,-3.831 -4.734,-3.831
> + -2.712,0 -18.974,3.831 -21.672,3.196 -2.711,-0.644 -14.228,-31.292 -16.253,-32.549 -2.039,-1.279 -14.889,-22.359 -14.889,-22.359 0,0 29.776,35.751 34.521,49.795 2.751,8.18 13.089,0.563 21.497,-7.97 l 2.222,5.429 5.407,-1.29 -0.671,-6.381 h 6.088 v 9.573 l -2.024,5.115 -0.694,8.29 5.429,5.119 2.71,-4.459 8.776,-8.311 10.162,-5.108 2.721,5.108 1.354,7.027 -2.709,7.655 -5.417,4.47 -2.708,11.491 v 5.743 l -6.091,-3.836 -0.671,-12.118 -8.8,0.648 -4.051,10.842 6.089,8.948 14.216,1.92 11.507,-10.868 1.354,-21.044 5.127,-6.766 c 3.337,8.576 5.722,17.548 5.722,25.914 0,9.167 7.259,-4.628 3.707,-32.583 0.003,-0.001 -5.567,-66.402 -36.255,-97.088
> + z m -135.423,27.505 -36.561,-1.294 15.56,-12.759 h 8.127 l 12.874,8.928 v 5.125 m 44.706,-4.469 v 5.743 h -15.569 l 1.354,3.841 -9.493,1.289 -0.66,3.169 -6.772,-1.256 -12.2,-2.568 2.038,-3.181 2.037,-3.846 6.771,-7.022 2.72,5.115 10.142,-0.646 5.418,-5.754 20.999,3.836 -6.785,1.28 m 1.345,-8.305 -8.128,1.273 -1.343,-5.753 10.143,-1.268 1.366,-5.743 7.454,7.666 -9.492,3.814 v 0.011 m 39.289,198.535 -4.746,3.837 0.674,9.579 h 6.088 v -8.278 l 5.441,-7.043 v -14.672 l -3.404,-0.662 -4.053,17.239 0,0 m -45.369,-19.135 c 0,0 -4.746,1.234 0.662,3.185 5.418,1.93 27.09,-31.271 27.09,-31.271 l -18.291,11.487 -9.472,16.6 h 0.011 m
> + -36.862,122.355 -4.052,-3.858 -8.127,-1.289 -1.343,3.869 -10.836,-1.278 -0.681,-5.135 h -8.123 l -8.798,5.135 h -15.56 l -1.355,-3.856 -25.041,-2.59 -4.063,3.867 -10.138,-2.556 -1.359,-9.016 -4.735,-0.661 -5.418,9.677 -18.273,-0.65 c 3.272,1.538 30.551,17.824 72.403,21.214 55.5,4.487 81.896,-8.991 81.896,-8.991 l -2.025,-1.951 -24.371,-1.918 v -0.013 l -10e-4,0 z"
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> + -0.986,-0.71 -15.213,22.418 -18.837,21.97 -6.562,-0.868 -15.029,-0.938 -16.833,1.197 -2.396,2.817 5.363,-9.688 12.038,-13.479 -7.964,2.346 -22.234,-4.903 -47.964,13.273 -8.701,6.15 -30.541,31.066 -39.528,40.645 -37.968,44.826 -41.029,83.175 -41.029,84.876 0,3.31 8.04,5.179 8.733,9.167 0.704,3.95 -13.29,17.218 -13.29,23.839 0,3.044 -7.005,36.114 8.381,77.496 13.647,39.257 40.054,73.879 43.445,76.046 l 9.725,-5.158 c 0,0 -16.091,-28.486 -16.784,-31.141 -0.693,-2.647 18.188,-41.068 27.295,-39.727 9.091,1.29 6.994,3.968 12.591,0.65 5.602,-3.292 9.096,-30.479 15.392,-33.113 6.301,-2.663 13.29,-5.969 12.596,-12.592 -0.729,-6.644 -24.513,-18.557 -26.604,-20.54 m 151.819,-194.755 -18.888,-6.626 3.5,10.608 15.388,-3.982 m -70.666,24.511 c 2.107,0 44.074,-27.81 39.881,-28.481 -4.188,-0.655 -4.887,0 -16.102,-1.327 -11.177,-1.322 -23.084,15.901 -25.875,18.562 -2.802,2.647 -1.859,11.246 2.096,11.246 m 192.63,199.731 5.42,-7.031 -5.42,-1.905 -4.062,5.104 -4.734,7.02 4.05,1.909 4.746,-5
> + m 23.687,22.995 -1.356,-10.228 h -8.785 l -0.682,7.659 -8.139,-1.269 -2.016,-8.3 -4.063,-2.559 -4.745,5.745 -4.735,-1.268 -1.366,4.452 5.428,1.301 v 41.479 l 19.159,4.615 c -0.445,0.759 -0.771,1.41 -0.879,1.756 -1.364,4.477 5.406,6.415 10.144,4.477 1.753,-0.705 12.797,-4.952 16.295,-13.283 4.879,-11.605 8.03,-28.314 8.877,-33.722 l -2.146,-4.693 -13.545,5.117 -7.466,-1.28 h 0.02 m -6.783,-169.88 c -30.978,-46.973 -105.41,-77.669 -105.41,-77.669 l -19.166,10.039 -2.722,-4.453 -6.761,-2.563 v 5.753 l 6.091,5.115 -4.053,1.912 -15.582,1.268 -35.211,19.158 3.381,15.322 -4.075,1.284 -2.015,3.186 11.512,17.223 0.671,5.759 -9.476,1.913 v 11.486 l -5.412,1.273 0.677,8.944 -46.058,31.938 1.355,17.852 c 3.38,4.475 29.798,31.293 29.798,31.293 0,0 30.464,1.263 37.237,-2.551 6.777,-3.831 2.025,3.831 4.068,5.748
> + 2.016,1.923 2.709,15.322 4.724,16.601 2.038,1.271 0,8.923 2.709,11.502 2.71,2.534 2.71,33.19 2.71,33.19 0,0 16.252,27.445 16.252,34.468 0,7.021 -0.683,6.382 12.189,5.742 12.863,-0.628 15.571,-5.742 18.281,-7.649 2.709,-1.908 2.709,-6.383 5.417,-10.229 2.731,-3.839 7.455,-18.499 13.556,-23.602 6.078,-5.126 22.343,-8.96 23.686,-17.879 1.356,-8.949 7.443,-15.972 7.443,-15.972 l 29.278,-30.968 -0.823,4.161 -0.671,15.95 8.81,-3.187 -0.672,-17.25 -3.154,-3.343 0.446,-0.487 c 0,0 -2.037,-3.831 -4.734,-3.831 -2.712,0 -18.974,3.831 -21.672,3.196 -2.711,-0.644 -14.228,-31.292 -16.253,-32.549 -2.039,-1.279 -14.889,-22.359 -14.889,-22.359 0,0 29.776,35.751 34.521,49.795 2.751,8.18 13.089,0.563 21.497,-7.97 l 2.222,5.429 5.407,-1.29 -0.671,-6.381 h 6.088 v 9.573 l -2.024,5.115 -0.694,8.29 5.429,5.119 2.71,-4.459
> + 8.776,-8.311 10.162,-5.108 2.721,5.108 1.354,7.027 -2.709,7.655 -5.417,4.47 -2.708,11.491 v 5.743 l -6.091,-3.836 -0.671,-12.118 -8.8,0.648 -4.051,10.842 6.089,8.948 14.216,1.92 11.507,-10.868 1.354,-21.044 5.127,-6.766 c 3.337,8.576 5.722,17.548 5.722,25.914 0,9.167 7.259,-4.628 3.707,-32.583 0.003,-0.001 -5.567,-66.402 -36.255,-97.088 z m -135.423,27.505 -36.561,-1.294 15.56,-12.759 h 8.127 l 12.874,8.928 v 5.125 m 44.706,-4.469 v 5.743 h -15.569 l 1.354,3.841 -9.493,1.289 -0.66,3.169 -6.772,-1.256 -12.2,-2.568 2.038,-3.181 2.037,-3.846 6.771,-7.022 2.72,5.115 10.142,-0.646 5.418,-5.754 20.999,3.836 -6.785,1.28 m 1.345,-8.305 -8.128,1.273 -1.343,-5.753 10.143,-1.268 1.366,-5.743 7.454,7.666 -9.492,3.814 v 0.011 m 39.289,198.535 -4.746,3.837 0.674,9.579 h 6.088 v -8.278 l 5.441,-7.043 v -14.672
> + l -3.404,-0.662 -4.053,17.239 0,0 m -45.369,-19.135 c 0,0 -4.746,1.234 0.662,3.185 5.418,1.93 27.09,-31.271 27.09,-31.271 l -18.291,11.487 -9.472,16.6 h 0.011 m -36.862,122.355 -4.052,-3.858 -8.127,-1.289 -1.343,3.869 -10.836,-1.278 -0.681,-5.135 h -8.123 l -8.798,5.135 h -15.56 l -1.355,-3.856 -25.041,-2.59 -4.063,3.867 -10.138,-2.556 -1.359,-9.016 -4.735,-0.661 -5.418,9.677 -18.273,-0.65 c 3.272,1.538 30.551,17.824 72.403,21.214 55.5,4.487 81.896,-8.991 81.896,-8.991 l -2.025,-1.951 -24.371,-1.918 v -0.013 l -10e-4,0 z"
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> +17.738,7.827 17.411,7.786 16.82,7.708 16.057,7.702 15.894,7.894 15.678,8.148 16.377,7.021 16.979,6.679 16.261,6.89 14.975,6.237 12.656,7.875 c -0.784,0.554 -2.752,2.8 -3.563,3.663 -3.422,4.04 -3.698,7.496 -3.698,7.649 0,0.298 0.725,0.467 0.787,0.826 0.063,0.356 -1.198,1.552 -1.198,2.148 0,0.274 -0.631,3.255 0.755,6.984 1.23,3.538 3.61,6.658 3.916,6.854 l 0.876,-0.465 c 0,0 -1.45,-2.567 -1.513,-2.807 -0.063,-0.238 1.639,-3.701 2.46,-3.58 0.819,0.116 0.63,0.357 1.135,0.059 0.505,-0.297 0.82,-2.747 1.387,-2.984 0.568,-0.24 1.198,-0.538 1.135,-1.135 -0.064,-0.598 -2.207,-1.671 -2.396,-1.85 M 26.422,5.685 24.72,5.087 25.035,6.043 26.422,5.685 m -6.369,2.209 c 0.19,0 3.972,-2.506 3.594,-2.567 -0.377,-0.059 -0.44,0 -1.451,-0.12 -1.007,-0.119 -2.081,1.433 -2.332,1.673 -0.252,0.239 -0.167,1.014 0.189,1.014 m 17.361,18.001 0.488,-0.634 -0.488,-0.172 -0.366,0.46 -0.427,0.633 0.365,0.172 0.428,-0.459 m 2.135,2.072 -0.122,-0.922 h -0.792 l -0.062,0.69 -0.733,-0.114
> + -0.182,-0.748 -0.366,-0.23 -0.428,0.518 -0.427,-0.114 -0.123,0.401 0.489,0.117 v 3.738 l 1.727,0.416 c -0.04,0.068 -0.069,0.127 -0.079,0.158 -0.123,0.403 0.487,0.578 0.914,0.403 0.158,-0.063 1.153,-0.446 1.469,-1.197 0.439,-1.046 0.724,-2.552 0.8,-3.039 l -0.193,-0.423 -1.221,0.461 -0.673,-0.115 h 0.002 M 38.938,12.656 c -2.792,-4.233 -9.5,-7 -9.5,-7 L 27.71,6.561 27.465,6.16 26.856,5.929 v 0.519 l 0.549,0.461 -0.365,0.172 -1.404,0.114 -3.173,1.727 0.305,1.381 -0.367,0.116 -0.182,0.287 1.038,1.552 0.061,0.519 -0.854,0.172 v 1.035 l -0.488,0.115 0.061,0.806 -4.151,2.878 0.122,1.609 c 0.305,0.403 2.686,2.82 2.686,2.82 0,0 2.746,0.114 3.356,-0.23 0.611,-0.345 0.183,0.345 0.367,0.518 0.182,0.173 0.244,1.381 0.426,1.496 0.184,0.115 0,0.804 0.244,1.037 0.244,0.229 0.244,2.991 0.244,2.991 0,0 1.465,2.474
> + 1.465,3.106 0,0.632 -0.062,0.575 1.099,0.518 1.159,-0.057 1.403,-0.518 1.647,-0.689 0.244,-0.171 0.244,-0.575 0.488,-0.922 0.246,-0.346 0.672,-1.667 1.222,-2.127 0.548,-0.462 2.014,-0.808 2.135,-1.611 0.122,-0.807 0.671,-1.439 0.671,-1.439 l 2.639,-2.791 -0.074,0.375 -0.061,1.438 0.794,-0.287 -0.061,-1.555 -0.284,-0.301 0.04,-0.044 c 0,0 -0.184,-0.345 -0.427,-0.345 -0.244,0 -1.71,0.345 -1.953,0.288 -0.244,-0.058 -1.282,-2.82 -1.465,-2.934 -0.184,-0.115 -1.342,-2.015 -1.342,-2.015 0,0 2.684,3.222 3.111,4.488 0.248,0.737 1.18,0.051 1.938,-0.718 l 0.2,0.489 0.487,-0.116 -0.061,-0.575 h 0.549 v 0.863 l -0.183,0.461 -0.063,0.747 0.489,0.461 0.244,-0.402 0.791,-0.749 0.916,-0.46 0.245,0.46 0.122,0.633 -0.244,0.69 -0.488,0.403 -0.244,1.036 v 0.518 l -0.549,-0.346 -0.061,-1.092 -0.793,0.059
> + -0.365,0.977 0.549,0.807 1.281,0.173 1.037,-0.979 0.122,-1.896 0.462,-0.61 c 0.301,0.773 0.516,1.582 0.516,2.335 0,0.826 0.654,-0.417 0.334,-2.937 -0.001,-0.003 -0.503,-5.987 -3.268,-8.753 z m -12.206,2.479 -3.295,-0.117 1.402,-1.15 h 0.732 l 1.16,0.805 v 0.462 m 4.031,-0.403 v 0.518 h -1.403 l 0.122,0.346 -0.855,0.116 -0.06,0.286 -0.61,-0.113 -1.1,-0.231 0.184,-0.287 0.184,-0.347 0.61,-0.633 0.245,0.461 0.914,-0.058 0.488,-0.519 1.893,0.346 -0.612,0.115 m 0.121,-0.748 -0.732,0.115 -0.121,-0.519 0.914,-0.114 0.123,-0.518 0.672,0.691 -0.856,0.345 0,0 m 3.541,17.893 -0.428,0.346 0.061,0.863 h 0.549 V 32.34 l 0.49,-0.635 v -1.322 l -0.307,-0.06 -0.365,1.554 0,0 m -4.089,-1.725 c 0,0 -0.428,0.111 0.06,0.287 0.488,0.174 2.441,-2.818 2.441,-2.818 l -1.648,1.035 -0.853,1.496 0,0 M 27.013,41.18 26.648,40.832 
> +25.916,40.716 25.795,41.065 24.818,40.95 24.756,40.487 h -0.732 l -0.793,0.463 h -1.402 l -0.122,-0.348 -2.257,-0.233 -0.366,0.349 -0.914,-0.23 -0.123,-0.813 -0.427,-0.06 -0.488,0.872 -1.647,-0.059 c 0.295,0.139 2.753,1.606 6.525,1.912 5.002,0.404 7.381,-0.811 7.381,-0.811 l -0.183,-0.176 -2.195,-0.173 0,0 0,0 z"
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> diff --git a/extensions/cpsection/Makefile.am b/extensions/cpsection/Makefile.am
> index d623380..78d548b 100644
> --- a/extensions/cpsection/Makefile.am
> +++ b/extensions/cpsection/Makefile.am
> @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ SUBDIRS = \
>  	network \
>  	power \
>  	updater \
> +	proxy \
>  	#
>  sugardir = $(pkgdatadir)/extensions/cpsection
> diff --git a/extensions/cpsection/proxy/Makefile.am b/extensions/cpsection/proxy/Makefile.am
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..bfb2929
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/extensions/cpsection/proxy/Makefile.am
> @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
> +sugardir = $(pkgdatadir)/extensions/cpsection/proxy
> +
> +sugar_PYTHON = \
> +	__init__.py	\
> +	model.py \
> +	view.py
> diff --git a/extensions/cpsection/proxy/__init__.py b/extensions/cpsection/proxy/__init__.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..399afa4
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/extensions/cpsection/proxy/__init__.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
> +# Copyright (C) 2011, Aleksey Lim
> +#
> +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
> +# (at your option) any later version.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> +# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> +
> +from gettext import gettext as _
> +
> +
> +CLASS = 'Proxy'
> +ICON = 'module-proxy'
> +TITLE = _('Proxy')
> diff --git a/extensions/cpsection/proxy/model.py b/extensions/cpsection/proxy/model.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..c88b116
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/extensions/cpsection/proxy/model.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
> +# Copyright (C) 2011, Aleksey Lim
> +#
> +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
> +# (at your option) any later version.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> +# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> diff --git a/extensions/cpsection/proxy/view.py b/extensions/cpsection/proxy/view.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..ad6a0a6
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/extensions/cpsection/proxy/view.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
> +# Copyright (C) 2011, Aleksey Lim
> +#
> +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
> +# (at your option) any later version.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> +# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> +
> +import re
> +
> +import gtk
> +import gconf
> +from gettext import gettext as _
> +
> +from sugar.graphics import style
> +
> +from jarabe.controlpanel.sectionview import SectionView
> +
> +
> +_widget_sensitivies = {}
> +_gconf_origin_values = {}
> +
> +ICON = 'module-proxy'
> +
> +class Proxy(SectionView):
> +
> +    def __init__(self, model, alerts):
> +        SectionView.__init__(self)
> +
> +        _widget_sensitivies.clear()
> +
> +        self.set_border_width(style.DEFAULT_SPACING * 2)
> +        self.set_spacing(style.DEFAULT_SPACING)
> +
> +        workspace = gtk.VBox()
> +        workspace.show()
> +
> +        scrolled = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
> +        scrolled.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
> +        scrolled.add_with_viewport(workspace)
> +        scrolled.show()
> +        self.add(scrolled)
> +
> +        def add_section(section, label_text):
> +            separator = gtk.HSeparator()
> +            separator.show()
> +            workspace.pack_start(separator, expand=False)
> +
> +            label = gtk.Label(label_text)
> +            label.set_alignment(0, 0)
> +            label.show()
> +            workspace.pack_start(label, expand=False)
> +
> +            section.set_border_width(style.DEFAULT_SPACING * 2)
> +            section.show()
> +            workspace.pack_start(section, expand=False)
> +
> +        add_section(_ProxySection(),
> +                _('Configure Proxies to Access the Internet'))
> +        add_section(_IgnoreSection(), _('Ignore Host List'))
> +
> +    def undo(self):
> +        conf = gconf.client_get_default()
> +        for key, value in _gconf_origin_values.items():
> +            if value is None:
> +                conf.unset(key)
> +            else:
> +                conf.set(key, value)
> +
> +
> +class _ProxySection(gtk.VBox):
> +
> +    def __init__(self):
> +        gtk.VBox.__init__(self)
> +        self._common_hosts = {}
> +        self._common_ports = {}
> +
> +        group = gtk.RadioButton()
> +        group.props.label = _('Direct internet connection')
> +        group.show()
> +        self.pack_start(group, expand=False)
> +        _register_selector_key('/system/proxy/mode', group, 'none')
> +        _register_bool_key('/system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy', group, True)
> +
> +        manual_proxy = gtk.RadioButton(group)
> +        manual_proxy.props.label = _('Manual proxy configuration')
> +        manual_proxy.show()
> +        self.pack_start(manual_proxy, expand=False)
> +        _register_selector_key('/system/proxy/mode', manual_proxy, 'manual')
> +
> +        widgets = self._add_protos()
> +        manual_proxy.connect('toggled', _set_sensitive, False, widgets)
> +        _set_sensitive(manual_proxy, False, widgets)
> +
> +        auto_proxy = gtk.RadioButton(group)
> +        auto_proxy.props.label = _('Automatic proxy configuration')
> +        auto_proxy.show()
> +        self.pack_start(auto_proxy, expand=False)
> +        _register_selector_key('/system/proxy/mode', auto_proxy, 'auto')
> +
> +        grid = self._sub_section_new()
> +        grid.attach_label(_('Autofiguration URL:'), 0, 1, 0, 1)
> +        entry = grid.attach_entry(1, 2, 0, 1)
> +        _register_string_key('/system/proxy/autoconfig_url', entry)
> +        auto_proxy.connect('toggled', _set_sensitive, False, [grid])
> +        _set_sensitive(auto_proxy, False, [grid])
> +
> +    def _add_protos(self):
> +        commons = gtk.CheckButton()
> +        commons.props.label = _('Use the same proxy for all protocols')
> +        commons.show()
> +        self.pack_start(commons)
> +        _register_bool_key('/system/http_proxy/use_same_proxy', commons)
> +
> +        grid = self._sub_section_new()
> +
> +        def add_proto(row, is_common, label_text, host_key, port_key):
> +            host_label = grid.attach_label(label_text, 0, 1, row, row + 1)
> +            host = grid.attach_entry(1, 2, row, row + 1)
> +
> +            port_label = grid.attach_label(_('Port:'), 2, 3, row, row + 1)
> +            port_value = gtk.Adjustment(8080, 0, 65536, 1, 10)
> +            port = gtk.SpinButton()
> +            port.configure(port_value, .1, 0)
> +            port.show()
> +            grid.attach(port, 3, 4, row, row + 1,
> +                    gtk.SHRINK | gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK)
> +
> +            if is_common:
> +                _widget_sensitivies.update([
> +                        (host_label, None), (host, None),
> +                        (port_label, None), (port, None)])
> +                self._common_hosts[host] = host.props.buffer
> +                self._common_ports[port] = port.props.adjustment
> +
> +            _register_string_key(host_key, host)
> +            _register_int_key(port_key, port)
> +
> +            return host, port
> +
> +        http_host, http_port = add_proto(1, False, _('HTTP proxy:'),
> +                '/system/http_proxy/host', '/system/http_proxy/port')
> +
> +        auth_widget = _AuthWidget()
> +        auth_widget.show()
> +        grid.attach(auth_widget, 1, 2, 2, 3, gtk.SHRINK | gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK)
> +
> +        add_proto(3, True, _('Secure HTTP proxy:'),
> +                '/system/proxy/secure_host', '/system/proxy/secure_port')
> +        add_proto(4, True, _('FTP proxy:'),
> +                '/system/proxy/ftp_host', '/system/proxy/ftp_port')
> +        add_proto(5, True, _('Socks proxy:'),
> +                '/system/proxy/socks_host', '/system/proxy/socks_port')
> +
> +        def commons_toggled_cb(sender):
> +            for widget in _widget_sensitivies.keys():
> +                _widget_sensitivies[widget] = not sender.props.active
> +            _set_sensitive(sender, True, _widget_sensitivies.keys())
> +
> +            for widget, orig_buffer in self._common_hosts.items():
> +                widget.props.buffer = http_host.props.buffer if \
> +                        sender.props.active else orig_buffer
> +
> +            for widget, orig_adjustment in self._common_ports.items():
> +                widget.props.adjustment = http_port.props.adjustment if \
> +                        sender.props.active else orig_adjustment
> +                widget.props.value = widget.props.adjustment.value
> +
> +        commons.connect('toggled', commons_toggled_cb)
> +        commons_toggled_cb(commons)
> +
> +        return [commons, grid]
> +
> +    def _sub_section_new(self):
> +        grid = _Grid(1, 1, False)
> +        grid.props.column_spacing = style.DEFAULT_SPACING
> +        grid.props.row_spacing = style.DEFAULT_SPACING
> +        grid.show()
> +
> +        alignment = gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1)
> +        alignment.props.left_padding = style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE
> +        alignment.props.right_padding = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE
> +        alignment.add(grid)
> +        alignment.show()
> +        self.pack_start(alignment)
> +
> +        return grid
> +
> +
> +class _IgnoreSection(gtk.VBox):
> +
> +    def __init__(self):
> +        gtk.VBox.__init__(self)
> +
> +        entry = gtk.Entry()
> +        entry.show()
> +        self.pack_start(entry, expand=False)
> +        _register_list_key('/system/http_proxy/ignore_hosts', entry)
> +
> +
> +class _AuthWidget(gtk.VBox):
> +
> +    def __init__(self):
> +        gtk.VBox.__init__(self)
> +
> +        enable = gtk.CheckButton()
> +        enable.props.label = _('Use authentication')
> +        enable.show()
> +        self.pack_start(enable, expand=False)
> +        _register_bool_key('/system/http_proxy/use_authentication', enable)
> +
> +        grid = _Grid(2, 2, False)
> +        grid.props.column_spacing = style.DEFAULT_SPACING
> +        grid.props.row_spacing = style.DEFAULT_SPACING
> +        self.pack_start(grid)
> +
> +        grid.attach_label(_('Username:'), 0, 1, 0, 1)
> +        entry = grid.attach_entry(1, 2, 0, 1)
> +        _register_string_key('/system/http_proxy/authentication_user', entry)
> +
> +        grid.attach_label(_('Password:'), 0, 1, 1, 2)
> +        entry = grid.attach_entry(1, 2, 1, 2)
> +        entry.props.visibility = False
> +        _register_string_key(
> +                '/system/http_proxy/authentication_password', entry)
> +
> +        enable.connect('toggled', lambda sender:
> +                grid.show() if sender.props.active else grid.hide())
> +        if enable.props.active:
> +            grid.show()
> +
> +
> +class _Grid(gtk.Table):
> +
> +    def attach_label(self, label, left_attach, right_attach,
> +            top_attach, bottom_attach):
> +        widget = gtk.Label(label)
> +        widget.set_alignment(0, 0)
> +        self.attach(widget, left_attach, right_attach,
> +                top_attach, bottom_attach, gtk.SHRINK | gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK)
> +        widget.show()
> +        return widget
> +
> +    def attach_entry(self, left_attach, right_attach,
> +            top_attach, bottom_attach):
> +        widget = gtk.Entry()
> +        self.attach(widget, left_attach, right_attach,
> +                top_attach, bottom_attach, gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK)
> +        widget.show()
> +        return widget
> +
> +
> +def _set_sensitive(sender, reverse, widgets):
> +    is_sensitive = sender.props.active
> +    if reverse:
> +        is_sensitive = not is_sensitive
> +
> +    for i in widgets:
> +        if isinstance(i, gtk.Container):
> +            _set_sensitive(sender, reverse, i.get_children())
> +        i.props.sensitive = is_sensitive and _widget_sensitivies.get(i, True)
> +
> +
> +def _register_bool_key(key, widget, reverse=False):
> +
> +    def set_cb(x):
> +        value = x.get_bool()
> +        if reverse:
> +            value = not value
> +        widget.props.active = value
> +
> +    def get_cb():
> +        x = gconf.Value(gconf.VALUE_BOOL)
> +        value = widget.props.active
> +        if reverse:
> +            value = not value
> +        x.set_bool(value)
> +        return x
> +
> +    _register_key(key, widget, 'toggled', set_cb, get_cb)
> +
> +
> +def _register_string_key(key, widget):
> +
> +    def set_cb(x):
> +        widget.props.text = x.get_string()
> +
> +    def get_cb():
> +        x = gconf.Value(gconf.VALUE_STRING)
> +        x.set_string(widget.props.text)
> +        return x
> +
> +    _register_key(key, widget, 'changed', set_cb, get_cb)
> +
> +
> +def _register_int_key(key, widget):
> +
> +    def set_cb(x):
> +        widget.props.value = x.get_int()
> +
> +    def get_cb():
> +        x = gconf.Value(gconf.VALUE_INT)
> +        x.set_int(widget.props.value)
> +        return x
> +
> +    _register_key(key, widget.props.adjustment, 'value_changed',
> +            set_cb, get_cb)
> +
> +
> +def _register_selector_key(key, widget, value):
> +
> +    def set_cb(x):
> +        widget.props.active = x.get_string() == value
> +
> +    def get_cb():
> +        if not widget.props.active:
> +            return None
> +        x = gconf.Value(gconf.VALUE_STRING)
> +        x.set_string(value)
> +        return x
> +
> +    _register_key(key, widget, 'toggled', set_cb, get_cb)
> +
> +
> +def _register_list_key(key, widget):
> +
> +    def set_cb(x):
> +        hosts = [i.get_string() for i in x.get_list()]
> +        widget.props.text = ', '.join(hosts)
> +
> +    def get_cb():
> +        hosts = []
> +        for i in re.split('[\s,;:]+', widget.props.text or ''):
> +            if not i.strip():
> +                continue
> +            value = gconf.Value(gconf.VALUE_STRING)
> +            value.set_string(i.strip())
> +            hosts.append(value)
> +        x = gconf.Value(gconf.VALUE_LIST)
> +        x.set_list_type(gconf.VALUE_STRING)
> +        x.set_list(hosts)
> +        return x
> +
> +    _register_key(key, widget, 'changed', set_cb, get_cb)
> +
> +
> +def _register_key(key, widget, signal, set_cb, get_cb):
> +    conf = gconf.client_get_default()
> +    value = conf.get(key)
> +    if value is not None:
> +        set_cb(value)
> +
> +    _gconf_origin_values[key] = value
> +
> +    def signal_cb(*args):
> +        value = get_cb()
> +        if value is not None:
> +            conf.set(key, value)
> +
> +    widget.connect(signal, signal_cb)

Anish Mangal
Sugar Labs

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