[Dextrose] Answers to your questions from irc

Abhishek Singh abhishek.singh at olenepal.org
Wed Jan 19 00:11:06 EST 2011

On 01/19/2011 10:54 AM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-01-19 at 10:11 +0545, Abhishek Singh wrote: 
>> We have cached the Fedora and the Fedora Updates repositories
>> locally and we would like to use our local cache than to use the
>> upstream Fedora repositories. How can we preferably do that?
> You have to patch the code, as the URLs for the fedora repositories are
> currently hard-coded in modules/repos/ksmain.50.repos.py:
>     if repo == "fedora":
>         repos["fedora"] = ("mirrorlist", "http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-%s&arch=i386" % fver)
>     elif repo == "fedora-updates":
>         repos["fedora-updates"] = ("mirrorlist", "http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-released-f%s&arch=i386" % fver)
>     elif repo == "fedora-updates-testing":
>         repos["fedora-updates-testing"] = ("mirrorlist", "http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-testing-f%s&arch=i386" % fver)
> Change them to something like this:
>     if repo == "fedora":
>         repos["fedora"] = ("baseurl", "http://my.mirror.site/path/to/fedora")
>     elif repo == "fedora-updates":
>         repos["fedora-updates"] = ("baseurl", "http://my.mirror.site/path/to/fedora-updates")
>     elif repo == "fedora-updates-testing":
>         repos["fedora-updates"] = ("baseurl", "http://my.mirror.site/path/to/fedora-updates-testing")
> You may disable fedora-updates-testing, as Fedora 11 is currently retired.
Thanks Bernie. I went the same way by making the changes in the
ksmain.50.repos.py, was wondering if there is a clean way.

Abhishek Singh
System Engineer
Open Learning Exchange (OLE) Nepal
साझा शिक्षा ई-पाटी
Tel: +977-1-5544441 ext. 301

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