[Dextrose] Where can I add / correct Dextrose translations

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Thu Sep 16 07:37:28 EDT 2010

On Thu, 2010-09-16 at 12:40 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

> Apologies if I'm missing something very obvious here but there's no
> sucrose-0.88 project on translate.sugarlabs.org. This is what confused
> me to begin with...

That's right, there's only 0.82 and 0.84. I guess someone would have to
create the 0.88 branch in Pootle.

Sayamindu, could you take care of this? In case you have no time, could
you put some brief instructions in this page?


   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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