[Dextrose] Dextrose Roadmap meeting Friday November 12, 2010 14:00 UTC

David Farning dfarning at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 14:31:39 EST 2010

We would like schedule a road-map meeting on Dextrose for Friday
November 12 and 14:00 UTC.  The time is not perfect for anyone.
Hopefully, it is acceptable for most.

When talking to potential customers, the reoccurring pieces that they
are looking for from a service and support company are focus three
core steps: Feedback, Fixes/Features, the Finished product.

Feedback is getting Feedback from deployments.  This feedback is
centered around how can dextrose be improved to make their lives

Fixes are the set of bug fixes and features which developers implement
and add to the code.

Finished product is the improved deliverable which is returned into
the hands of the user.

So for the next couple of months let's drop down from 50,000 feet to
10,000 feet to focus exclusively on feedback, fixes and finished


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