[Dextrose] modify accessibility_0001_contrast.patch for sugar-artwork
Esteban Arias
earias at plan.ceibal.edu.uy
Fri Aug 13 10:38:23 EDT 2010
diff -u -r -N sugar-artwork-0.88.0-original/gtk/theme/gtkrc-contrast.em
--- sugar-artwork-0.88.0-original/gtk/theme/gtkrc-contrast.em 1969-12-31
21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ sugar-artwork-0.88.0/gtk/theme/gtkrc-contrast.em 2010-07-14
09:39:23.362770020 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+import math
+def my_floor(num):
+ return int(math.floor(num))
+def my_ceil(num):
+ return int(math.ceil(num))
+# Should we set the line width in the engine to 2.25, and draw non pixel
aligned lines?
+# Are these already the correct sizes for the XO?
+# These sizes need to be sanity checked ...
+if scaling == "100":
+ xo = True
+ icon_base = 11
+else: # About 72% of the XO size, adjusted so that eg. toolbuttons work
+ xo = False
+ icon_base = 8 # 7.92
+icon_small = icon_base * 3
+icon_large = icon_base * 5
+small_icons = [ "gtk-menu", "gtk-dnd", "gtk-small-toolbar", "gtk-button" ]
+large_icons = [ "gtk-large-toolbar" ]
+icon_sizes = []
+for icon in small_icons:
+ icon_sizes += [icon + "=" + str(icon_small) + ',' + str(icon_small)]
+for icon in large_icons:
+ icon_sizes += [icon + "=" + str(icon_large) + ',' + str(icon_large)]
+icon_sizes = ":".join(icon_sizes)
+style "default"
+ engine "hcengine" {
+ edge_thickness = 2
+ }
+ xthickness = 2
+ ythickness = 2
+# For Java Desktop System
+ PanelMenu::stripe-gradient-top = "#000033"
+ PanelMenu::stripe-gradient-bottom = "#000033"
+ GtkWidget::interior-focus = 1
+ GtkWidget::wide-separators = 0
+ GtkWidget::separator-height = 2
+ GtkWidget::separator-width = 2
+ GtkRange::activate-slider = 1
+ GtkArrow::arrow-size = 1.0
+ GtkToolbar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
+ GtkToolbar::space-size = 30
+ GtkProgressBar::min-horizontal-bar-height = 15
+ GtkProgressBar::min-vertical-bar-width = 15
+ GtkWidget::link-color = "#FFFFFF"
+ GtkWidget::visited-link-color = "#FFCCFF"
+ GtkWidget::focus-line-pattern = "\4\2"
+ GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 5
+ GtkHSV::focus-line-pattern = "\0"
+ GtkWidget::interior_focus = 1
+ GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0
+ GtkEntry::cursor_color = "#FF0000"
+ GtkTextView::cursor_color = "#FF0000"
+ EelEditableLabel::cursor_color = "#FF0000"
+ GtkTextView::cursor_aspect_ratio = 0.3
+ GtkEntry::cursor_aspect_ratio = 0.3
+ EelEditableLabel::cursor_aspect_ratio = 0.3
+ NautilusIconContainer::frame_text = 1
+ GtkTreeView::expander-size = 32
+ GtkRange::stepper-size = 20
+ GtkCheckButton::indicator-size = 25
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+ text[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+ bg[NORMAL] = "#000033"
+ base[NORMAL] = "#000033"
+ fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#999999"
+ bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#333333"
+ text[INSENSITIVE] = "#999999"
+ base[INSENSITIVE] = "#333333"
+ fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000000"
+ text[PRELIGHT] = "#003333"
+ bg[PRELIGHT] = "#CCCC00"
+ base[PRELIGHT] = "#FFFFFF"
+ fg[ACTIVE] = "#FFFFFF"
+ text[ACTIVE] = "#000000"
+ bg[ACTIVE] = "#666699"
+ base[ACTIVE] = "#CCCC00"
+ fg[SELECTED] = "#000033"
+ text[SELECTED] = "#000033"
+ base[SELECTED] = "#CCCC00"
+class "GtkWidget" style "default"
+style "panel-icons"
+class "GtkWidget" style "panel-icons"
+style "media-icons"
+class "GtkWidget" style "media-icons"
+###########widget - details
+style "window"
+style "window-child"
+style "white-bg"
+style "white-bg-child"
+style "black-bg"
+style "black-bg-child"
+style "groupbox-panel"
+style "groupbox-panel-child"
+style "groupbox-palette"
+style "groupbox-palette-child"
+style "menu"
+ bg[PRELIGHT] = "#000033"
+ GtkMenu::scroll-arrow-vlength = 25
+ GtkMenu::horizontal-padding = 2
+ GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 2
+ # This means the outline of the submenu overlaps with a palette.
+ # However in the case of two normal menus, they are next to each other.
+ # It is not possible to be smarter about this, because the style comes
+ # the submenu.
+ GtkMenu::horizontal-offset = 0
+ GtkMenu::vertical-offset = 0
+ xthickness = 0
+ ythickness = 0
+style "palette-menu" = "menu"
+ GtkMenu::horizontal-padding = 0
+ GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 0
+ xthickness = 0
+ ythickness = 15
+# Can this all be moved in the menuitem style?
+style "menu-child"
+ base[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+style "textview"
+ text[NORMAL]="#000000"
+ base[NORMAL]="#FFFFFF"
+ GtkTextView::interior-focus = 1
+style "scrollbar"
+ base[NORMAL]="#FFFFFF"
+ base[ACTIVE]="#FFFFFF"
+# hints for the trough padding hacks
+# We cannot go trough GTK+, as we don't want a padding on all sides, but
only one
+# If we wanted padding on all sides, trough-border would work great.
+style "hscrollbar" = "scrollbar"
+style "vscrollbar" = "scrollbar"
+style "hscrollbar-scrolled-window"
+style "vscrollbar-scrolled-window"
+style "scale"
+ GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0
+ # "square" slider (really round of course)
+ # Same as indicator-size?
+ GtkRange::slider-width = 32
+ GtkScale::slider-length = 32
+ GtkRange::trough-border = 0
+ GtkRange::stepper-spacing = 0
+ GtkRange::trough-side-details = 1
+# hints for the trough sizing hacks
+style "hscale" = "scale"
+style "vscale" = "scale"
+style "spinbutton"
+ xthickness = 15
+ ythickness = 7
+ GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0
+style "frame"
+style "notebook-tab"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+style "notebook-panel"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+style "toolbox-notebook"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+style "toolbutton"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+style "separatortoolbutton"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+style "toolbar"
+style "toolbox"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#000033"
+style "panel"
+style "entry"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#000000"
+ base[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+ text[NORMAL] = "#000000"
+style "button"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+style "combobox"
+ base[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+style "comboboxentry"
+style "checkbutton"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+style "progressbar"
+style "menuitem"
+ GtkMenuItem::horizontal-padding = 0
+ GtkMenuItem::arrow-spacing = 15
+ GtkMenuItem::toggle-spacing = 15
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+ xthickness = 15
+ ythickness = 10
+style "checkmenuitem"
+ GtkCheckMenuItem::indicator-size = 26
+ GtkMenuItem::toggle-spacing = 10
+style "imagemenuitem"
+style "separatormenuitem"
+ fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
+ GtkWidget::wide-separators = 1
+ GtkWidget::separator-height = 30
+ ythickness = 0
+ xthickness = 0
+style "trayicon"
+style "parent-bg"
+ engine "sugar" {
+ bg[NORMAL] = parent_bg_color
+ bg[INSENSITIVE] = parent_bg_color
+ }
+style "label"{
+style "hseparator"{
+style "white_treeview"{
+ fg[NORMAL]="#000000"
+ #base[NORMAL]="#000000"
+ text[NORMAL]="#000000"
+ #bg[NORMAL]="#000000"
+# Default style, setting some generic options and style properties
+class "GtkWidget" style "default"
+# Styles that apply the different background (and foreground) colors
+# This one should probably be the default (ie. no window-child style)
+widget_class "<GtkWindow>" style "window"
+widget_class "<GtkWindow>*" style "window-child"
+widget_class "*<SugarAlert>" style "black-bg"
+widget_class "*<SugarAlert>*" style "black-bg-child"
+widget_class "*<SugarSectionView>" style "white-bg"
+widget_class "*<SugarSectionView>*" style "white-bg-child"
+# The notebook is very high, so that everything is overriden
+# Only the color of the tab labels needs to be modified inside the
+# notebooks in this style (and the widget itself).
+# Assume that there is either just a normal label in the notebook tab, or
+# it is inside a GtkBox (H- or VBox) together with eg. a close button.
+widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>" style "notebook-tab"
+widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>.<GtkLabel>" style "notebook-tab"
+widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>.<GtkBox>.<GtkLabel>" style "notebook-tab"
+# SugarPalette and Menu
+widget_class "*<GtkMenu>" style "menu"
+widget_class "<SugarPalette>" style "menu"
+widget_class "<SugarPalette>.*" style "menu-child"
+widget_class "<SugarPalette>*<GtkMenu>" style "palette-menu"
+widget_class "*<GtkMenuShell>.*" style "menu-child"
+# SugarFrameWindow
+widget_class "*<SugarFrameWindow>*" style "frame"
+# SugarPanel
+widget_class "*<SugarPanel>*" style "panel"
+# GroupBoxes (don't set bg[NORMAL] on the widget itself)
+widget_class "<GtkWindow>*<SugarGroupBox>*" style "groupbox-panel-child"
+widget_class "<GtkWindow>*<GtkNotebook>*" style "groupbox-panel-child"
+widget_class "<GtkWindow>*<GtkNotebook>" style "notebook-panel"
+widget_class "<SugarPalette>*<SugarGroupBox>*" style
+# SugarToolbox
+#widget_class "*<SugarToolbox>" style "toolbox"
+#widget_class "*<SugarToolbox>*" style "toolbox-child"
+#widget_class "*<SugarToolbox>*<GtkEventBox>" style "toolbox"
+#widget_class "*<SugarToolbox>*<GtkLayout>" style "toolbox"
+widget_class "*<SugarToolbox>*" style "toolbox"
+widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>*" style "toolbox"
+widget_class "*<SugarToolbox>.<GtkNotebook>" style "toolbox-notebook"
+# Normal widget styles, using the above things
+# The following only uses widget_class matches to get the priority
+# right. An alternative would be to lower the priority of the
+# background matches (which need widget_class) to eg. "application"
+widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "menuitem"
+widget_class "*<GtkCheckMenuItem>" style "checkmenuitem"
+widget_class "*<GtkImageMenuItem>" style "imagemenuitem"
+widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorMenuItem>*" style "separatormenuitem"
+# Buttons and Combos
+widget_class "*<GtkButton>*" style "button"
+widget_class "*<GtkCheckButton>*" style "checkbutton"
+widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>*" style "combobox"
+widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*" style "comboboxentry"
+widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*" style "comboboxentry"
+# Entries
+widget_class "*<GtkEntry>" style "entry"
+widget_class "*<GtkSpinButton>" style "spinbutton"
+widget_class "*<GtkTextView>" style "textview"
+# Misc widgets
+widget_class "*<GtkHScrollbar>" style "hscrollbar"
+widget_class "*<GtkVScrollbar>" style "vscrollbar"
+widget_class "*<GtkHScale>" style "hscale"
+widget_class "*<GtkVScale>" style "vscale"
+widget_class "*<GtkProgressBar>" style "progressbar"
+# Scrolled window scrollbars
+widget_class "*<GtkScrolledWindow>.<GtkVScrollbar>" style
+widget_class "*<GtkScrolledWindow>.<GtkHScrollbar>" style
+# Toolbar
+widget_class "*<GtkToolButton>*" style "toolbutton"
+widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorToolItem>*" style "separatortoolbutton"
+widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>" style "toolbar"
+# Tray
+widget_class "*<SugarTrayIcon>*" style "trayicon"
+# Widgets that should get the background color from the parent
+widget_class "*<GtkEventBox>" style "parent-bg"
+widget_class "*<GtkLayout>" style "parent-bg"
+widget_class "*<GtkViewport>" style "parent-bg"
+widget_class "*<GtkDrawingArea>" style "parent-bg"
+widget_class "*<GtkScrolledWindow>" style "parent-bg"
+widget_class "*<GtkLabel>*" style "label"
+widget_class "*<GtkHSeparator>*" style "hseparator"
+widget_class "*<JournalTreeView>*" style "white_treeview"
+widget_class "*<SugarActivitiesTreeView>*" style "white_treeview"
diff -u -r -N sugar-artwork-0.88.0-original/gtk/theme/Makefile.am
--- sugar-artwork-0.88.0-original/gtk/theme/Makefile.am 2010-02-20
14:46:35.000000000 -0200
+++ sugar-artwork-0.88.0/gtk/theme/Makefile.am 2010-07-14
10:22:55.008005248 -0300
@@ -6,13 +6,25 @@
$(srcdir)/em.py -p $$ -D scaling=\'100\' $(srcdir)/gtkrc.em > \
+sugar-72-contrast.gtkrc: gtkrc-contrast.em
+ $(srcdir)/em.py -p $$ -D scaling=\'72\' $(srcdir)/gtkrc-contrast.em > \
+ $(top_builddir)/gtk/theme/sugar-72-contrast.gtkrc
+sugar-100-contrast.gtkrc: gtkrc-contrast.em
+ $(srcdir)/em.py -p $$ -D scaling=\'100\' $(srcdir)/gtkrc-contrast.em >
+ $(top_builddir)/gtk/theme/sugar-100-contrast.gtkrc
$(RM) sugar-72.gtkrc
$(RM) sugar-100.gtkrc
+ $(RM) sugar-72-contrast.gtkrc
+ $(RM) sugar-100-contrast.gtkrc
sugar-72.gtkrc \
- sugar-100.gtkrc
+ sugar-100.gtkrc \
+ sugar-100-contrast.gtkrc \
+ sugar-72-contrast.gtkrc
install-data-local: $(GTKRC_FILES)
$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-72/gtk-2.0
@@ -21,10 +33,18 @@
$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-100/gtk-2.0
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(top_builddir)/gtk/theme/sugar-100.gtkrc \
+ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-72-contrast/gtk-2.0
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(top_builddir)/gtk/theme/sugar-72-contrast.gtkrc \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-72-contrast/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
+ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-100-contrast/gtk-2.0
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(top_builddir)/gtk/theme/sugar-100-contrast.gtkrc \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-100-contrast/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-72/gtk-2.0
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-100/gtk-2.0
+ rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-100-contrast/gtk-2.0
+ rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/themes/sugar-72-contrast/gtk-2.0
-EXTRA_DIST = em.py gtkrc.em
+EXTRA_DIST = em.py gtkrc.em gtkrc-contrast.em
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