[Dcpr] IGF Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility

N. Zingales N.Zingales at uvt.nl
Tue Aug 26 16:42:03 EDT 2014

Dear Jorge,

thanks for all this useful information (and the publication, which will be added to the resources section of the website). 
Don't worry, you haven't missed any substantive discussion. The inaugural meeting of the DC PR, for which you will receive an invitation in a separate email, will be on Sept. 4th, at 14h30. 
I confirm that there will be a possibility to participate remotely. For more information, please visit the IGF's website at http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/

All the best,

From: dcpr-bounces at lists.platformresponsibility.info [dcpr-bounces at lists.platformresponsibility.info] on behalf of Jorge Morell Ramos [mr.pequod at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 1:13 PM
To: Martin Husovec
Cc: dcpr at lists.platformresponsibility.info
Subject: Re: [Dcpr] IGF Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility

Hi there!

Sorry for being a little late to the party, :P but these last months have been kind of crazy busy.

For starters, let me introduce myself.

My name is Jorge Morell Ramos<http://about.me/jorgemorellramos> and I’m a jurist in Spain specialized in Internet Law.

For the last 2 years I’ve been analyzing, explaining, comparing, tracking, geolocalizing or organizing terms and conditions. Through my website Términos y Condiciones<http://terminosycondiciones.es/> (in Spanish) I have been working on clarifying in layman terms documents that are written in anything but simple terms.

Always trying to find a way to make the information more accessible and less complicated. these last 2 years I've been doing things like a weekly bulletin<http://terminosycondiciones.es/category/boletin/> where I track the changes happening almost every day (here you have the results from 2013<http://terminosycondiciones.es/2014/01/08/quien-cambio-mas-sus-terminos-y-condiciones-en-2013/>), a map<http://terminosycondiciones.es/mapa/> where I geolocalize the services according to where they say that they store the personal data or a "search engine<http://terminosycondiciones.es/edad/>" to make easier to know which age of consent is required by the services.

Terms and conditions is a subject in which I’m very interested because the time needed for an average adult to read them or the complexity of the the language that they use are questions that need an important rethinking, especially taking into account its consequences, and a project like DCPR could help quite a bit in that.

About the questions asked, unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to attend the IGF meeting in Istanbul, but I'll be watching from the distance :D

Relative to relevant material to incorporate to the web, I would recommend the discussion paper<http://ec.europa.eu/justice/contract/files/expert_groups/modification_contracts_en.pdf> released by the EU Commission about unilateral modification of terms, within the expert group on cloud computing contracts<http://fringelaw.com/unilateral-modification-of-terms-cloud-computing/>.

Looking forward to work with you, guys!

Best wishes,

2014-06-04 5:49 GMT+02:00 Martin Husovec <martin at husovec.eu<mailto:martin at husovec.eu>>:
Thanks guys, I will take time to think about possible relevant materials;

Looking forward to work with you on this,

Best Wishes,

On 30 May 2014 08:03, <LB at lucabelli.net<mailto:LB at lucabelli.net>> wrote:
Dear all,

It is a great pleasure to announce you that the IGF Secretariat has (finally!!) approved the creation of the Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility (DC PR). http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/2008-igf-hyderabad/event-reports/74-dynamic-coalitions/1625-dynamic-coalition-on-platform-responsibility-dc-pr#intro

Over the next weeks, we (the co-coordinators) would like to start building the website of the DC PR (platformresponsibility.info<http://platformresponsibility.info>) and organising the first meeting of the DC PR, that will take place on the occasion of the IGF, from 2 to 5 September in Istanbul.

Please, do not hesitate to share the relevant material (articles, websites, e-books, etc.) you would like us to link in the “sources” section of the DC PR website. In order to do so, you can send an email to contact at platformresponsibility.info<mailto:contact at platformresponsibility.info> or you use the DC PR mailing-list (dcpr at lists.platformresponsibility.info<mailto:dcpr at lists.platformresponsibility.info>) to which you are kindly invited to subscribe (http://lists.platformresponsibility.info/listinfo/dcpr ).

Also, please let us know if you are planning to attend the first meeting of the DC PR and if you may be interested in briefly presenting your interests and activities relating to the concept of platform responsibility and, more generally speaking, to the implications of platforms’ terms of service on fundamental rights.

Thanks in advance for your support and welcome on board!
With our best regards,
Luca, Primavera and Nicolo

Luca Belli<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/luca-belli/24/20/1a4>

Martin Husovec,

IMPRS-CI Doctoral Research Fellow at Max Planck Innovation & Competition
Visiting Researcher at Stanford Centre for Internet and Society
Impact Litigator at European Information Society Institute (EISi)

Web: http://www.husovec.eu/

EISi is a Slovak-based non-profit organization focusing on the overlap of technology, law & information society. It conducts strategic litigation and regularly submits amicus curiae briefs before the courts in juristically or socially important cases. It also serves as a non-academic research centre for Internet law and Intellectual Property law. http://eisionline.org/

IMPRS-CI is a doctoral program at Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law with interdisciplinary law and economics approach to intellectual property and competition law. http://www.imprs-ci.ip.mpg.de/

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