<div dir="ltr">== Sugar Digest ==<br><br>Happy New Year.<br><br>1. Three weeks into Google Code-in [1], a remarkable 238 tasks have been completed by 95 students. One student has already completed 36 tasks!!! And our mentor team, led by former grand prize winners, Ignacio RodrÃguez and Sam Parkinson, have been responsive and supportive. I'm very pleased with the energy that the GCI program brings to our development process.<br> <br>2. We have a Sugar Labs Oversight Board meeting on Monday, 4 January at 23:00 UTC. We meet on <a href="http://irc.freenode.net">irc.freenode.net</a> (#sugar-meeting). Please join us for the first meeting of the calendar year and the final meeting of the current board: the election of the new board will be held in mid-January. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Daniel Francis, José Miguel GarcÃa, Adam Holt, Chris Leonard, Gonzalo Odiard, and Claudia Urrea for their years of service to the community. I'm enthusiastic about the quality and dedication of the candidate pool [2], so I am certain that Sugar Labs will be in good hands going forward.<br><br>=== Sugar Labs ===<br><br>3. Please visit our planet [3].<div><br></div><div>-walter<br><br>--<br>Walter Bender<br>Sugar Labs<br><a href="http://www.sugarlabs.org">http://www.sugarlabs.org</a><br><br>----<br><br>[1] <a href="https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci">https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci</a><br>[2] <a href="http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2015-2016-candidates">http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2015-2016-candidates</a><br>[3] <a href="http://planet.sugarlabs.org">http://planet.sugarlabs.org</a><br>