<a href="http://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/10/01/187244/New-Bill-Proposes-Open-Source-Requirement-for-Publicly-Funded-Books?art_pos=6">http://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/10/01/187244/New-Bill-Proposes-Open-Source-Requirement-for-Publicly-Funded-Books?art_pos=6</a><br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>==============<br>= Gabriel Villalobos, <br>= Candidato a Doctorado en Ciencias - Física, UN<br>= M.Sc. Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology<br>= Físico, Universidad Nacional de Colombia<br>= Tel. Oficina. (571) 3165000 - 13031<br>
= <a href="mailto:gvillalobosc@bt.unal.edu.co">gvillalobosc@bt.unal.edu.co</a><br>= Enamoradamente Casado<br>===============<br>= Acuerdos Toltecas:<br>= * Hacer siempre y en todo asunto nuestro mejor <br>= esfuerzo,<br>
= * Ser impecable con la palabra<br>= * No suponer<br>= * No tomarse nada a título personal <br>==============<br>= Hlade's Law:<br>= If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy person <br>= they will find an easier way to do it.<br>