[Cmacc] CommonAccord API

Christopher Clark ludachrispeed at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 10:57:38 EST 2014

I'd like to start a conversation about what the CommonAccord API should
look like.


APIs are super important. Twitter, for example, doesn't really do much, but
it was designed from the ground up with a good API. Then other people
started using the Twitter API to do awesome stuff. Now, Twitter has huge
momentum partly because of all the tools that have been developed for


Maybe we should just start a Google Doc where we write down what the API
should look like?

There is a tool called RAML <http://raml.org/> which seems like a very
popular way to define an API. Maybe as we start to finalize what the API
should look like, we can write it up there?

Some Possible Functions

   - GET a list of all legal document templates and total count of templates
   - GET a list of templates for a particular type of document, like NDAs
   - GET a particular template
   - POST private data to a particular template, which will return a
   document rendered with the private data
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