[Bugs] #4877 Sugar UNSP: Ubuntu 32-bit - Failed dependencie

Sugar Labs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Sun Jul 19 18:43:29 EDT 2015

#4877: Ubuntu 32-bit - Failed dependencie
       Reporter:  biggnou                    |       Owner:
           Type:  defect                     |      Status:  new
       Priority:  Unspecified by Maintainer  |   Milestone:  Unspecified
      Component:  Sugar                      |     Version:  Unspecified
       Severity:  Blocker                    |    Keywords:
Distribution/OS:  Ubuntu                     |  Bug Status:  Unconfirmed
 Hi team,

 I am recycling an old laptop for my daughters, 32-bit arch. I did a fresh
 install of Ubuntu 14.04, updated it and then tried to install Sugar.

 I added:
 ## for SUGAR
 deb [trusted=yes] http://dev.laptop.org/pub/us trusty main

 to my sources.list, updated with apt-get update, then tried to install

 It fails on sucrose-0.104, because of the declared dependecy on python-

 I checked the repo, while this specific python package is available in the
 64-bit arch, it is missing in the 32-bit arch.

 Question: is this a mistake and you will compile the package and add it
 soon? Or is the 32-bit arch not supported anymore?

 Also, other question: I was able to find and install python-
 caruinyol-0.88.0-4 in the standard repo of Ubuntu. If I manually edit the
 sucrose package to modify the dependency, will this work or will this
 break something/everything?

 Thank you (and congrats on all the job you put into this project!!)

Ticket URL: <http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/4877>
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