[Bugs] #2184 sugar HIGH: Occasional black Palettes

Sugar Labs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Thu Mar 7 04:52:42 EST 2013

#2184: Occasional black Palettes
    Reporter:  carrott  |          Owner:  manuq   
        Type:  defect   |         Status:  assigned
    Priority:  High     |      Milestone:  1.0     
   Component:  sugar    |        Version:  0.98.x  
    Severity:  Major    |       Keywords:  dextrose
Distribution:  Fedora   |   Status_field:  New     

Comment(by erikos):

 Replying to [comment:9 manuq]:
 > I'm adding logging, still couldn't find what's happening.  Looks like an
 issue of palettes with an invoker that has toggle_palette property set to

 It is true that the toggle Palette is at least our path for triggering the
 issue with the high sequence of clicks to invoke the Palette, the Palette
 is then forced to popup/popdown and draw the Palette quickly.

 If you check on 12.1.0, where the Palettes are not toggable, I can not use
 our test case to trigger the issue. (this does not mean the issue is not
 there on older builds, but can probably only triggered through other means
 and is likely more rare).

Ticket URL: <http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2184#comment:11>
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