[Bugs] #3455 Browse HIGH: Browse: show link palette

Sugar Labs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Thu May 3 04:35:18 EDT 2012

#3455: Browse: show link palette
    Reporter:  manuq   |          Owner:  manuq            
        Type:  defect  |         Status:  assigned         
    Priority:  High    |      Milestone:  0.96             
   Component:  Browse  |        Version:  Git as of bugdate
    Severity:  Major   |       Keywords:  12.1.0           
Distribution:  OLPC    |   Status_field:  Assigned         
Changes (by erikos):

  * distribution:  Unspecified => OLPC
  * severity:  Unspecified => Major
  * status_field:  Unconfirmed => Assigned


 The patch above does display the palettes for images and links. The link
 options "Following a link" and "Following it in a new tab" do work. The
 options for copying a link and an image to the clipboard do NOT work and
 downloading an image or a clipboard neither. The behavior is different in
 the sense that the palette will not popdown when the mouse moves away from
 the invoker widget (link or image), which has worked before. The palette
 needs to be dismissed by clicking on the underlying widget or it will go
 as well away when you move out of the palette itself.

 * Copying to the clipboard is broken because 'gtk_clipboard_set_with_data'
 is not introspectable, see

 * The downloading part needs to be simply implemented

 * "the popdown of the palette when leaving the invoker widget" is a hard
 one, because a mouse-out event of an element is currently not supported in
 webkitgtk, see https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-

Ticket URL: <http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3455#comment:6>
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