[Bugs] #3531 untriaged UNSP: factorial() and fac() are redundant

Sugar Labs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Fri Apr 27 01:12:08 EDT 2012

#3531: factorial() and fac() are redundant
    Reporter:  cjl                        |          Owner:                             
        Type:  defect                     |         Status:  new                        
    Priority:  Unspecified by Maintainer  |      Milestone:  Unspecified by Release Team
   Component:  untriaged                  |        Version:  Unspecified                
    Severity:  Unspecified                |       Keywords:                             
Distribution:  Unspecified                |   Status_field:  Unconfirmed                
 These "two" functions appear to be exactly the same mathematical concept,
 except one says "n" and the other says "x".

 factorial(n), return the factorial of n. Given by n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) *

 fac(x), return the factorial of x. Given by x * (x - 1) * (x - 2) * ...

Ticket URL: <http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3531>
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