[Bugs] #2758 UNSP: Numeric and lowercase bulleted list options in Write broken

Sugar Labs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Tue Apr 5 15:33:10 EDT 2011

#2758: Numeric and lowercase bulleted list options in Write broken
    Reporter:  greenfeld                  |          Owner:  uwog                       
        Type:  defect                     |         Status:  new                        
    Priority:  Unspecified by Maintainer  |      Milestone:  Unspecified by Release Team
   Component:  Write                      |        Version:  Unspecified                
    Severity:  Major                      |       Keywords:  11.2.0                     
Status_field:  Unconfirmed                |   Distribution:  OLPC                       
   Seeta_dev:                             |  
 The Numeric- and lowercase-bulleted list options in Write are broken in
 OLPC OS 11.2.0 os14/Write-73.

 Creating some text and selecting one of these for said text will cause the
 text to be indented, but no numbers or lowercase letters will appear
 before the items to be enumerated.

Ticket URL: <http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2758>
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