[Bugs] #178 NORM: Adding Memorize MIME information to the database

Sugar Labs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Mon Apr 4 15:52:25 EDT 2011

#178: Adding Memorize MIME information to the database
    Reporter:  erikos    |          Owner:  erikos           
        Type:  defect    |         Status:  accepted         
    Priority:  normal    |      Milestone:                   
   Component:  Memorize  |        Version:  Git as of bugdate
    Severity:  Major     |       Keywords:  GPA              
Status_field:  Assigned  |   Distribution:  Unspecified      
   Seeta_dev:            |  

Comment(by greenfeld):

 Not certain how much of an issue this is or isn't anymore; we can copy
 Memorize games to a USB device in OLPC 11.2.0 os14/Memorize-36, but they
 lack any extension in that case, and rely on Sugar's USB metadata support
 to figure out it's a Memorize game on another Sugar system.

Ticket URL: <http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/178#comment:5>
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