[Bugs] #1610 NORM: Alternative to Create a new wireless network.

Sugar Labs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Tue Jun 29 03:39:39 EDT 2010

#1610: Alternative to Create a new wireless network.
    Reporter:  reuben       |          Owner:  erikos  
        Type:  enhancement  |         Status:  assigned
    Priority:  Normal       |      Milestone:  0.84    
   Component:  sugar        |        Version:  0.84.x  
    Severity:  Unspecified  |       Keywords:  r?      
Distribution:  Unspecified  |   Status_field:  Assigned
Changes (by sascha_silbe):

 * cc: sascha_silbe (added)


 Replying to [comment:7 erikos]:
 > So, on machines like the XO-1.0 we will use the mesh as the hardware
 allows to. On the XO-1.5 we will present the user with the three adhoc
 networks, as there is no mesh hardware available. The XO-1.5 and XO-1.0
 will see adhoc networks in his neighborhood view, so it the XO-1.0 can
 connect to an adhoc network that has been created by a learner on the
 XO-1.5. What we removed is the option in the device palette to create
 adhoc networks, as we have now standard ways of creating networks without

 Do I understand correctly that in order to let XO-1s collaborate with
 XO-1.5s now an XO-1.5 user needs to initiate the connection as there's no
 way for the XO-1 user to create an ad-hoc network? If so, that seems
 cumbersome and confusing to me.

Ticket URL: <http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1610#comment:8>
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