[Bugs] #2113 UNSP: Ruler: scaled badly on XO

Sugar Labs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Wed Jul 21 17:13:20 EDT 2010

#2113: Ruler: scaled badly on XO
    Reporter:  dsd                        |          Owner:  walterbender               
        Type:  defect                     |         Status:  new                        
    Priority:  Unspecified by Maintainer  |      Milestone:  Unspecified by Release Team
   Component:  sugar                      |        Version:  Unspecified                
    Severity:  Unspecified                |       Keywords:                             
Distribution:  Unspecified                |   Status_field:  Unconfirmed                
 Reproduced on F11 images for XO-1 and XO-1.5, the ruler is scaled badly.
 It's about 1/2 size.

 This also means it does not fill the XO screen like it used to.

 Additionally, the 2nd ruler is designed to start at (approx) 3.9cm on the
 screen, on the XO. This allows you to put an item at the very left edge of
 the XO (where the green plastic starts) and measure up to 18 cm. It worked
 this way in 8.2 but on F11 this ruler starts at 0 where the screen begins.

 It would be worth you having a quick play with the old version and
 observing how the various rulers and measures line up with various corners
 of the XO screen, would be great to keep this behaviour.

Ticket URL: <http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2113>
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