[Bugs] #1761 HIGH: Component Request - Git and Trac for Open Video Chat Team @ RIT

Sugar Labs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Fri Feb 26 18:08:12 EST 2010

#1761: Component Request - Git and Trac for Open Video Chat Team @ RIT
    Reporter:  RemyD              |          Owner:  Bernie                     
        Type:  task               |         Status:  new                        
    Priority:  High               |      Milestone:  Unspecified by Release Team
   Component:  git.sugarlabs.org  |        Version:  Unspecified                
    Severity:  Blocker            |       Keywords:  sugar at RIT, videochat       
Distribution:  Unspecified        |   Status_field:  Unconfirmed                
 Mel Chua says "You need to set up a git and trac component there. Make a
 ticket requesting a trac component and a git component git.sugarlabs.org,
 and assign it to Bernie" so here is the Ticket bernie.

 The first action items for a new team of co-ops (3 of them) will be to get
 all set up on all the sugar/olpc tracs, wikis, git repos, and irc
 channels. We want to use all of the upstream channels as much as possible,
 so this experience will be a faithful representation of a real-world
 opensource community project. That also means that all of our chatter will
 be happening in #sugar or the #sugar-videochat, and we'd like to make
 lists.sugarlabs.org our primary mailing list (activities list) Let me know
 what the team needs to do, and getting the most recent repo of the video
 chat activity (not just the public ones, but the ugly developer repos
 too). Thanks Bernie, and we'll talk soon.

Ticket URL: <http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1761>
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