[Bugs] #191 NORM: Moon-activity: timestamp should be translated

SugarLabs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Tue Jan 13 10:03:17 EST 2009

#191: Moon-activity: timestamp should be translated
 Reporter:  garycmartin  |       Owner:  garycmartin
     Type:  defect       |      Status:  new        
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:             
Component:  Moon         |     Version:  unspecified
 Keywords:               |  
 korakurider: Timestamps in Moon activity (Next full moon/new moon/lunar
 eclipse/solar eclipse) are shown in English, but should be translated.

 garycmartin: Yes, thanks for the report!

 I specifically kept the date formats un-customised (hence the rather
 pointless auto inclusion of seconds that I'd rather have left out) and
 using the system provided date defaults, in the hope that the system date
 locale defaults would have been appropriate in most locale cases. I'll
 need to re-evaluate this decision now that there are lot's of lovely
 translations landing (thanks everyone) :-) I'm guessing relying on the
 system locale date provision is not enough.

 As a native English only speaker (well, some minimal French), I'm not sure
 how deep this rabbit hole goes, any examples of how you'd like to see
 dates presented would be great.

 Date issue are actually a major reason I've omitted a significant feature
 goal. I'd _love_ to provide a full calendar view of Moon phases. For me
 this would be something like a month grid view with
 Mon/Tues/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun, and a date per day. But I know this is not
 the calendar much of the world would recognise. Again, feed back on this
 would be much appreciated!

 korakurider: To me, just formatting with strftime("%c") would be better
 than ctime(), though it also includes seconds.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/191>
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