[Bugs] #114 BLOC: Easy Mac Emulator of SoaS for GPA teachers

SugarLabs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Fri Feb 20 16:03:01 EST 2009

#114: Easy Mac Emulator of SoaS for GPA teachers
    Reporter:  CarolineM  |          Owner:  daveb   
        Type:  task       |         Status:  assigned
    Priority:  blocker    |      Milestone:          
   Component:  SoaS       |        Version:          
    Severity:  Blocker    |     Resolution:          
    Keywords:             |   Distribution:  SoaS    
Status_field:  Assigned   |  

Comment(by wadeb):

 Okay, if VirtualBox is working well enough on Mac, let's standardize on
 it.  Even if it is rough around the edges now, it at least seems that Sun
 is actively developing it.

 Rather than relying on teachers to install VirtualBox, why don't we create
 a virtual appliance?  Then they can just download one file and have Sugar
 running in a window with a minimum of technical work.


 The building of these virtual appliances can be part of the standard SoaS
 build system (the one which currently produces XO images, .ISOs, etc.).

Ticket URL: <http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/114#comment:16>
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