[Bugs] #114 BLOC: Easy Mac Emulator of SoaS for GPA teachers

SugarLabs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Wed Feb 18 22:52:27 EST 2009

#114: Easy Mac Emulator of SoaS for GPA teachers
    Reporter:  CarolineM  |          Owner:  daveb   
        Type:  task       |         Status:  assigned
    Priority:  blocker    |      Milestone:          
   Component:  SoaS       |        Version:          
    Severity:  Blocker    |     Resolution:          
    Keywords:             |   Distribution:  SoaS    
Status_field:  Assigned   |  
Changes (by mick):

  * owner:  mick => daveb
  * status:  accepted => assigned


 I'm assigning back to Dave. I used Q [kju] and it worked, but the problem
 was that it was really too slow. It took something like 15 minutes to
 boot. I talked about it a few days ago on irc.

 I spoke w/ Caroline and I found out that all of the teachers have
 Parallels installed anyhow -- so it just makes sense that they get an
 image distributed that is built for Parallels.

 I know it isn't FOSS, but we are in a time crunch and it just makes sense
 at this point. For this case, it will work.

 - Mick

Ticket URL: <http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/114#comment:14>
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