[Bugs] #114 BLOC: Easy Mac Emulator for GPA teachers

SugarLabs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Sat Feb 14 11:28:07 EST 2009

#114: Easy Mac Emulator for GPA teachers
    Reporter:  CarolineM   |          Owner:  mick       
        Type:  defect      |         Status:  accepted   
    Priority:  blocker     |      Milestone:             
   Component:  SoaS        |        Version:             
    Severity:  Blocker     |     Resolution:             
    Keywords:              |   Distribution:  Unspecified
Status_field:  Unconfimed  |  
Changes (by mick):

  * owner:  daveb => mick
  * status:  assigned => accepted


 I looked at using Q [kju:] -- only because I know it well, I've used it a
 while ago and i know it is easy.

 The pros:
 - it is easy to use
 - i think that this isn't that difficult to do using Q
 - I've been able to compile and run it from source
 - the UI would be easy to even modify and make it easier to use, ex:
 adding a "start" or something so they know where to click.

 The cons:
 - it is really old. it hasn't been maintained in a year
 - qemu guys will tell you not to use it (they recommend vbox)
 - it will be slow

 I grabbed an svn snapshot of vbox. Here are some pros and cons:

 - will be faster

 - I have been having build issues on my macbook :(

 So for now, I think I'm going to use the latest svn snapshot of Q. We can
 move this over to vbox if it is unusable.

 - Mick

Ticket URL: <http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/114#comment:11>
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