[Bugs] #95 MAJO: Some bundles install correctly using sugar-install-bundle but not through the Journal

SugarLabs Bugs bugtracker-noreply at sugarlabs.org
Sat Dec 6 20:42:08 EST 2008

#95: Some bundles install correctly using sugar-install-bundle but not through
the Journal
Reporter:  bemasc  |       Owner:  tomeu  
    Type:  defect  |      Status:  new    
Priority:  major   |   Component:  journal
Keywords:          |  
 The bundle at


 installs and runs perfectly using the sugar-install-bundle command at the
 Terminal, but fails to install or run when launched from the Journal.  The
 Journal only unpacks the bundle partially.  For example, it unpacks the
 contents of ACBLSCOR.activity/, but not ACBLSCOR.activity/activity/.

 It is worth noting that this bundle was not created using bundlebuilder.
 Bundlebuilder does not support symlinks, and I need correct handling of
 symlinks inside this bundle.  Therefore, the bundle is created by the
 "bundle.sh" script included in the .xo.

 Until this is fixed, I have to tell users to install this using wget and
 sugar-install-bundle, because they cannot use Browse and the Journal.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/95>
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