[ASLO] [Sugar-devel] Activities added to GithHub

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Sun Apr 23 23:37:33 EDT 2017

On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 11:21:21PM -0400, Dave Crossland wrote:
> On Apr 23, 2017 7:08 PM, "James Cameron" <[1]quozl at laptop.org> wrote:
>     We cannot host repositories on GitHub that don't have a license.
> That was true in the early days of github but it's no longer
> true. In fact it's a big problem, because a lot of stuff is posted
> on github without a libre license and requests to apply once often
> get ignored or worse. 

With respect to GitHub terms and conditions, yes.  Sorry, I meant
what Sugar Labs is willing to host on GitHub; i.e. as a constraint on
contributors to Sugar Labs.  Some sponsoring organisations do so
because Sugar is open source, and a change away from open source may
hurt those relationships.

It is unlikely there are many activities in ASLO that don't comply,
but it is still useful to recognise them; and duplication is one of
those times.

James Cameron

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