[ASLO] ASLO build and deployment process (Jatin Dhankhar)

Tony Anderson tony_anderson at usa.net
Thu Apr 20 19:35:18 EDT 2017

Hi, Walter

It is wonderful to see a discussion on technical matters concerning Sugar.

Assuming we plan to handle development and maintenance of activities 
through GitHub, then the 'publishing' of an activity should be a simple 
copy of the xo bundle to download.sugarlabs.org/activities and an update 
so that version is the one shown by ASLO. The developer hub and its 
authentication would no longer be needed.

For the activities not now in GitHub, as I understand it, the activity 
should first be copied to a personal repository on github and then
the systems mailing list be notified to make the transfer. Your steps 
2-4 should be done before the transfer.

The word tedious applies also to the process of testing the activities.

1. Download the activity zip file from GitHub (made necessary as a 
download from ASLO was often not the right version).
2. Use setup.py to generate the xo bundle (python setup.py dist_xo).
3. Some activities did not have a setup.py or it failed. In this case cp 
-r some-activity-master /home/tony/Activities/some.activity
4. Run the activity
5. If failed to start, debug with the log
6. If possible fix, and run again
7. Go to GitHub and post issues reporting the problems

I suspect this could be automated by a python script assuming that an 
activity which starts successfully is working. Such a script could 
'lint' check the activity and activity.info to see that it meets our 
standards. One problem will be to arrange tests  on four models of XO 
plus any other supported platforms (Ubuntu, RPi, ...).


On 04/20/2017 08:22 PM, Walter Bender wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 3:45 AM, Tony Anderson <tony_anderson at usa.net 
> <mailto:tony_anderson at usa.net>> wrote:
>     Hi, Walter
>     I am new to this. I am registered as a member. However, it may
>     take an 'owner'. I assume that the process you describe is how we
>     expect our users to submit new activities. However, this may
>     become a distraction for someone to keep having to move activities
>     to Sugarlabs.
> It is a one-time effort per activity to "transfer" it to sugarlabs.
> What is tedious the process I am going through right now to just 
> update the version numbers of an activity:
> 1. clone the activity
> 2. update the version number
> 3. update NEWS with all of the commit info since the last version update
> 4. often it is necessary to update the repo path as it was not changed 
> when the activity was transfered
> 5. make a PR
> 6, wait for someone to merge the PR
> 7. once the PR is merged, pull the updated repo
> 8. use setup.py to create new .xo and .tar bundles
> Here is where things break down:
> 9. use admin privileges on ASLO to add myself to the activity
> 10. upload a new version of the activity
> 11. scp the tar file to downloads
> And here:
> 12. add a tag with the new version number to the repo on GH/sugarlabs
> Would be great to have some scripts that do most of 1-8.
> Not sure about how to handle 9 properly.
> Would be great to automate 10-11.
> Not sure the proper protocol for 12.
> Finally, what is the protocol for renaming repos in GH/sugarlabs ? I 
> renamed portfolio to portfolio-activity for consistency. Lots of other 
> activities should be renamed. But I don't know how to do except 
> unilaterally,
> regards.
> -walter
>     Tony
>     On 04/20/2017 09:26 AM, Walter Bender wrote:
>>     On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 9:09 PM, Tony Anderson
>>     <tony_anderson at usa.net <mailto:tony_anderson at usa.net>> wrote:
>>         I get the following messages when trying to create a new
>>         repository in sugarlabs:
>>         You don’t appear to have permission to create repositories
>>         for this organization. Sorry about that.
>>     That is by design. Only members can create repositories on the
>>     project.
>>     Quoting from
>>     https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/contributing.md
>>     <https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/contributing.md>
>>     "For new activities, make a new repository in your GitHub
>>     account, put the source code in it, then ask the systems@ list to
>>     move it to the sugarlabs organisation."
>>     You can also of course ask to join the sugarlabs project on GitHub.
>>     -walter
>>         Tony
>>         On 04/20/2017 03:56 AM, Samuel Cantero wrote:
>>>         On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 1:40 AM, Tony Anderson
>>>         <tony_anderson at usa.net <mailto:tony_anderson at usa.net>> wrote:
>>>             Hi Walter
>>>             We haven't heard from Sam C.
>>>         Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't replied before. I have been
>>>         very busy these days. I don't know much about ASLO
>>>         architecture. I just have helped to keep it working. Aleksey
>>>         is the correct guy here.
>>>             I am thinking that rather than keep the metadata
>>>             regarding Sugar activities, it might be better to
>>>             include it in activity.info <http://activity.info> (e.g.
>>>             developers, summary, description, what works, release
>>>             notes). This would enable ASLO to generate its screens
>>>             from the bundle.
>>>             Jatin now has a working minimal prototype of the Django
>>>             version. It would be helpful if it were on the Sugar
>>>             servers supporting ASLO.
>>>         We can configure a dev environment in our server and enable
>>>         CI. It would be good to keep main repo in GitHub, inside
>>>         sugarlabs organization. This will give us more chance to
>>>         encourage other people to help. Where is the prototype right
>>>         now? I would like to take a look.
>>>             I would like to add some activities from ASLO to the
>>>             github repository. Currently I am a 'member'. Is that
>>>             sufficient to enable adding a new activity?
>>>         Try and tell me.
>>>             I have posted issues to each of the activities I tested
>>>             on the github/sugarlabs. Several of the activities can
>>>             be fixed by simple code changes. More importantly, some
>>>             order is needed in the assignment of version numbers and
>>>             releasing the updated activities to ASLO. While I am a
>>>             developer on ASLO, I don't have the ability to release
>>>             new versions of activities in general.
>>>             I would appreciate your help in setting up the
>>>             authorizations needed.
>>>             Thanks,
>>>             Tony
>>>             On 04/13/2017 01:40 AM, Walter Bender wrote:
>>>>             Let's try to get Sam C., who currently maintains ASLO
>>>>             into the loop. I think he'll have lots of good advice
>>>>             for us.
>>>>             regards.
>>>>             -walter
>>>>             On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Jatin Dhankhar
>>>>             <dhankhar.jatin at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:dhankhar.jatin at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>                 Hi,
>>>>                     I think we need to agree on the use of IRC. If
>>>>                     you want to communicate with members of the
>>>>                     community, you must go where they are (#sugar).
>>>>                     If you want a one-to-one meeting on IRC with
>>>>                     me, I would suggest #sugar-newbies. It is
>>>>                     normally dormant but works well and saves a log
>>>>                     for later review. It worked well for meetings
>>>>                     with Utkarsh Tiwari during last year's GSOC.
>>>>                 Sure, whatever works :). What is your IRC nickname ?
>>>>                     There are two things that you will need to have
>>>>                     local to the django project. First is the
>>>>                     directory download.sugarlabs.org
>>>>                     <http://download.sugarlabs.org/> which has the
>>>>                     Sugar activity bundles
>>>>                 Do I need to mirror the whole setup/directory ?
>>>>                 When talking about scraping you probably meant
>>>>                 http://activities.sugarlabs.org instead of
>>>>                 http://download.sugarlabs.org/
>>>>                 <http://download.sugarlabs.org/>, right ?
>>>>                 Also for scraping, Scrapy
>>>>                 <https://scrapy.org/> seems to more popular than
>>>>                 beautifulsoup ?
>>>>                 Also a big thanks for including Walter in the
>>>>                 discussion :D
>>>>                 - Jatin Dhankhar
>>>>                 On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 6:30 AM, Tony Anderson
>>>>                 <tony_anderson at usa.net
>>>>                 <mailto:tony_anderson at usa.net>> wrote:
>>>>                     Hi, Jatin
>>>>                     I think we need to agree on the use of IRC. If
>>>>                     you want to communicate with members of the
>>>>                     community, you must go where they are (#sugar).
>>>>                     If you want a one-to-one meeting on IRC with
>>>>                     me, I would suggest #sugar-newbies. It is
>>>>                     normally dormant but works well and saves a log
>>>>                     for later review. It worked well for meetings
>>>>                     with Utkarsh Tiwari during last year's GSOC.
>>>>                     There are two things that you will need to have
>>>>                     local to the django project. First is the
>>>>                     directory download.sugarlabs.org
>>>>                     <http://download.sugarlabs.org> which has the
>>>>                     Sugar activity bundles. The second is the
>>>>                     'metadata' in the mysql db. For scraping, I
>>>>                     would recommend BeautifulSoup (bs4). The trick
>>>>                     will be to decide what data we want to capture
>>>>                     and add to the json.
>>>>                     The json fields in activities.json are ones I
>>>>                     chose for the minimal system. You may want to
>>>>                     include other information such as the number of
>>>>                     downloads, which collections (should be entered
>>>>                     as tags in a tag-field) and so on. One item I
>>>>                     have referred to as flags (I marked some as X
>>>>                     but don't remember what that meant, oh well).
>>>>                     The intent is to record the platforms where the
>>>>                     activity works. We also should provide links to
>>>>                     the homepage, repository page, and update page
>>>>                     (whatever that is). I think if you have a
>>>>                     working scrape tool, the data it collects can
>>>>                     be expanded as needed (assuming the tool runs
>>>>                     in a reasonable time).
>>>>                     Naturally, it would be easier if you have
>>>>                     access to the db directly.
>>>>                     Tony
>>>>                     On 04/12/2017 01:40 AM, Jatin Dhankhar wrote:
>>>>>                         One thing you could look at. On
>>>>>                         activities.sugarlabs,org, can you
>>>>>                         determine from Remora where the metadata
>>>>>                         is stored? I assume a db. Currently I am
>>>>>                         thinking to use BeautifulSoup to scrape
>>>>>                         the site to get that data, but it would be
>>>>>                         much easier to access the data directly.
>>>>>                     As per wiki
>>>>>                     https://wiki.mozilla.org/Update:Remora_Server_Requirements#SVN.2C_DB_and_app_config data
>>>>>                     is stored in mysql database. I don't have
>>>>>                     access to the production server where ASLO is
>>>>>                     currently running, following file
>>>>>                     https://github.com/sugarlabs/aslo/blob/master/aslo/db-update.sh#L9 confirms
>>>>>                     that data is stored in a mysql db. However it
>>>>>                     would be interesting and fun to scrape the
>>>>>                     data from live site. I would do that.
>>>>>                     Thanks will poke around the code, looks to me
>>>>>                     it's a django app and I have to mount it on my
>>>>>                     django project, thanks :)
>>>>>                         If you are talking about IRC as a place to
>>>>>                         meet Sugar community members, use the
>>>>>                         freenode #sugar. This is probably most
>>>>>                         active from 8-17 EST (UTC-5). I am
>>>>>                         currently in the Philippines which is UTC+ 7. 
>>>>>                      Yes, tried that. https://gitter.im fits in
>>>>>                     naturally with Github (really sorry for
>>>>>                     suggesting a new mode of communication
>>>>>                     everyday) πŸ˜…
>>>>>                     - Jatin Dhankhar
>>>>>                     On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 6:14 AM, Tony Anderson
>>>>>                     <tony_anderson at usa.net
>>>>>                     <mailto:tony_anderson at usa.net>> wrote:
>>>>>                         If you are talking about IRC as a place to
>>>>>                         meet Sugar community members, use the
>>>>>                         freenode #sugar. This is probably most
>>>>>                         active from 8-17 EST (UTC-5). I am
>>>>>                         currently in the Philippines which is UTC+ 7.
>>>>>                         Localization of Python activities is done
>>>>>                         by Pootle, when implemented by the
>>>>>                         developer. The developer does something
>>>>>                         like the following:
>>>>>                                 from gettext import gettext as _
>>>>>                         self.copy.set_tooltip(_('Copy'))
>>>>>                         In this way, all text displayed is taken
>>>>>                         from a po file based on the locale (e.g.
>>>>>                         en.po or hi.po). This is a simplification
>>>>>                         as the actual file is compressed: en.mo,
>>>>>                         hi.mo. These files are in the activity
>>>>>                         bundle. The detail is that when a new
>>>>>                         version is released, there is a master
>>>>>                         file: Paint.pot from which the local
>>>>>                         language files are built. This needs to be
>>>>>                         submitted to translate.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>                         <http://translate.sugarlabs.org> which
>>>>>                         maintains a copy. However, then the
>>>>>                         localized version needs to be added back
>>>>>                         to the bundle. However, the localizations
>>>>>                         can take months for 100 languages so how
>>>>>                         synchronize the po directory with the
>>>>>                         activity release is difficult.
>>>>>                         The sugar3 vs sugar issue is decided. The
>>>>>                         community wants to move to sugar3 (gtk3).
>>>>>                         The problem is that less that 20% of the
>>>>>                         activities have been converted.
>>>>>                         The ones that have been converted are low
>>>>>                         hanging fruit. The unconverted ones may
>>>>>                         require intensive work (gimp which
>>>>>                         developed gtk originally has not made the
>>>>>                         conversion).
>>>>>                         One thing you could look at. On
>>>>>                         activities.sugarlabs,org, can you
>>>>>                         determine from Remora where the metadata
>>>>>                         is stored? I assume a db. Currently I am
>>>>>                         thinking to use BeautifulSoup to scrape
>>>>>                         the site to get that data, but it would be
>>>>>                         much easier to access the data directly.
>>>>>                         Yesterday afternoon, the ISP restored
>>>>>                         service. Last time it died after two days,
>>>>>                         but I am keeping my fingers crossed. I am
>>>>>                         attaching the django stuff.
>>>>>                         Tony
>>>>>                         On 04/11/2017 01:36 AM, Jatin Dhankhar wrote:
>>>>>>                         Hi Tony,
>>>>>>                             Normally, we use
>>>>>>                             http://chat.sugarlabs.orgor on
>>>>>>                             freenode: sugar-meeting or
>>>>>>                             sugar-newbies. These are logged sites
>>>>>>                             so that there is a record. The second
>>>>>>                             is more appropriate since
>>>>>>                             sugar-meeting is used for SLOB
>>>>>>                             meetings and the like. The real
>>>>>>                             problem with IRC is time zones. Email
>>>>>>                             has the advantage that either party
>>>>>>                             can send or receive at any time. Last
>>>>>>                             year with a GSOC mentee we used
>>>>>>                             sugar-newbies by arranging a specific
>>>>>>                             meeting time in advance. 
>>>>>>                         Yes, that is correct, main issue in
>>>>>>                         communication barrier is due to timezone
>>>>>>                         issues. Since most of the people are
>>>>>>                         familiar and are available on IRC, it's
>>>>>>                         seems to be the primary channel of
>>>>>>                         communication along with mailing lists
>>>>>>                         and email. But since you said we can use
>>>>>>                         anything else, giving Slack a try won't
>>>>>>                         hurt (if issue is about not using closed
>>>>>>                         source software then IRC is fine, or we
>>>>>>                         can try Mattermost
>>>>>>                         <https://about.mattermost.com/>).
>>>>>>                              Another part of the process is how
>>>>>>                             to update 'translate.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>>                             <http://translate.sugarlabs.org/>'
>>>>>>                             with the corresponding POT file to
>>>>>>                             enable localization. We can get help
>>>>>>                             from Chris Leonard on this. 
>>>>>>                         I am not aware on how localization works.
>>>>>>                         Do we need to download relevant files and
>>>>>>                         bundle them with the acitvity before
>>>>>>                         making it available on ASLO ?
>>>>>>                             I have my Django version available -
>>>>>>                             but the internet problems here are
>>>>>>                             still unresolved. The technician is
>>>>>>                             supposed to make another visit today
>>>>>>                             to see what is wrong with our
>>>>>>                             connection. Let me know if and when
>>>>>>                             you think this will be useful to you.
>>>>>>                         Let me know when your connection is
>>>>>>                         stable and I would start.
>>>>>>                          What  are the things you need me to do
>>>>>>                         in the meantime ?
>>>>>>                             One open issue is sugar3 vs sugar.
>>>>>>                             Currently two versions of Sugar are
>>>>>>                             released. The sugar version supports
>>>>>>                             gtk while sugar3 supports gtk3.
>>>>>>                             Unfortunately, gtk3 was developed to
>>>>>>                             be totally incompatible with gtk. For
>>>>>>                             example, incorporation of one gtk3
>>>>>>                             feature requires that all direct and
>>>>>>                             indirect references to gtk be removed
>>>>>>                             or the activity will throw an
>>>>>>                             exception. Several of the gtk3
>>>>>>                             conversions failed to meet this test
>>>>>>                             and so fail. The issue is whether
>>>>>>                             curated activities be limited to ones
>>>>>>                             converted to gtk3. The positive is
>>>>>>                             that Sugar could revert to releasing
>>>>>>                             and maintaining only a single
>>>>>>                             version. The downside is that 100 or
>>>>>>                             more activities will no longer be
>>>>>>                             available. Specifically, in our
>>>>>>                             implementation of ASLO, we need to
>>>>>>                             show which versions of an activity
>>>>>>                             work on which versions of Sugar (e.g.
>>>>>>                             i86, arm, amd64, sugar or sugar3, and
>>>>>>                             so on). We also need to show which
>>>>>>                             ones support localization. There are
>>>>>>                             many English activities and many
>>>>>>                             Spanish activities that make no
>>>>>>                             provision for localization. Luckily
>>>>>>                             there are many that have no language
>>>>>>                             component. However, for many of
>>>>>>                             these, some kind of help is needed to
>>>>>>                             convey the way the activity works. 
>>>>>>                         Some people believe GTK3 is slightly
>>>>>>                         better
>>>>>>                         <https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/3e3q8n/is_there_a_technical_reason_why_gtk3_is_better/> and
>>>>>>                         I think GTK3 will stay but that should be
>>>>>>                         asked in community and voted upon and
>>>>>>                         taking in considerations cost of
>>>>>>                         development and porting, only a
>>>>>>                         discussion will help in this one.
>>>>>>                             You are wading into a deep and vast
>>>>>>                             body of water!
>>>>>>                         As long as I have something to hold onto,
>>>>>>                         I will not drown πŸ˜…
>>>>>>                         Thanks,
>>>>>>                         Jatin Dhankhar
>>>>>>                         On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 9:11 AM, Tony
>>>>>>                         Anderson <tony_anderson at usa.net
>>>>>>                         <mailto:tony_anderson at usa.net>> wrote:
>>>>>>                             Hi, Jatin
>>>>>>                             Normally, we use
>>>>>>                             http://chat.sugarlabs.org or on
>>>>>>                             freenode: sugar-meeting or
>>>>>>                             sugar-newbies. These are logged sites
>>>>>>                             so that there is a record. The second
>>>>>>                             is more appropriate since
>>>>>>                             sugar-meeting is used for SLOB
>>>>>>                             meetings and the like. The real
>>>>>>                             problem with IRC is time zones. Email
>>>>>>                             has the advantage that either party
>>>>>>                             can send or receive at any time. Last
>>>>>>                             year with a GSOC mentee we used
>>>>>>                             sugar-newbies by arranging a specific
>>>>>>                             meeting time in advance.
>>>>>>                             I haven't heard from Walter, but my
>>>>>>                             preference would be to use the
>>>>>>                             Sugarlabs server since the content is
>>>>>>                             largely already there and it would be
>>>>>>                             easier to make it the official site
>>>>>>                             if that were decided. So in the short
>>>>>>                             run, I think you should do whatever
>>>>>>                             is best for your own development
>>>>>>                             process.
>>>>>>                             I am not sure how CI fits into this.
>>>>>>                             If the activity development is done
>>>>>>                             on GitHub, then the deployment model
>>>>>>                             is to run setup.py to create an xo
>>>>>>                             bundle and then copy that bundle to
>>>>>>                             the appropriate location in the
>>>>>>                             download.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>>                             <http://download.sugarlabs.org> tree.
>>>>>>                             Assuming the update results from a
>>>>>>                             PR, the deployer would need to update
>>>>>>                             the activity information on ASLO
>>>>>>                             appropriately. However, that process
>>>>>>                             depends on where that data (metadata)
>>>>>>                             is stored. Another part of the
>>>>>>                             process is how to update
>>>>>>                             'translate.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>>                             <http://translate.sugarlabs.org>'
>>>>>>                             with the corresponding POT file to
>>>>>>                             enable localization. We can get help
>>>>>>                             from Chris Leonard on this.
>>>>>>                             I have my Django version available -
>>>>>>                             but the internet problems here are
>>>>>>                             still unresolved. The technician is
>>>>>>                             supposed to make another visit today
>>>>>>                             to see what is wrong with our
>>>>>>                             connection. Let me know if and when
>>>>>>                             you think this will be useful to you.
>>>>>>                             I have now tested most of the
>>>>>>                             activities (~400). I was optimistic
>>>>>>                             in the number that work out of the
>>>>>>                             box. However, a part of this is
>>>>>>                             running them in the Ubuntu version of
>>>>>>                             Sugar (amd64). There are many
>>>>>>                             activities which launch object code
>>>>>>                             (mostly c) which is dependent on the
>>>>>>                             architecture. I am now trying to
>>>>>>                             repeat the tests on an XO-1.75. One
>>>>>>                             issue on Ubuntu is that many
>>>>>>                             activities assume a 1200x900 screen
>>>>>>                             and so on a 1024X768 screen overflow.
>>>>>>                             This makes some of the games unusable
>>>>>>                             since part of the controls are off
>>>>>>                             the screen. Because of the internet
>>>>>>                             problems, the untested activities
>>>>>>                             tend to be new ones since I was using
>>>>>>                             my local repository which is a
>>>>>>                             snapshot taken several months ago.
>>>>>>                             The other group are the GCompris
>>>>>>                             activities (about 70).
>>>>>>                             My intent is to build a 'curated'
>>>>>>                             repository of activities known to
>>>>>>                             work and be usable on the XO and on
>>>>>>                             Ubuntu (or such other platform that
>>>>>>                             Sugar may choose to support). Most of
>>>>>>                             the currently not work activities
>>>>>>                             have software dependencies no longer
>>>>>>                             included in the current Sugar
>>>>>>                             release. So the curated library will
>>>>>>                             grow as activities are repaired over
>>>>>>                             time.
>>>>>>                             One open issue is sugar3 vs sugar.
>>>>>>                             Currently two versions of Sugar are
>>>>>>                             released. The sugar version supports
>>>>>>                             gtk while sugar3 supports gtk3.
>>>>>>                             Unfortunately, gtk3 was developed to
>>>>>>                             be totally incompatible with gtk. For
>>>>>>                             example, incorporation of one gtk3
>>>>>>                             feature requires that all direct and
>>>>>>                             indirect references to gtk be removed
>>>>>>                             or the activity will throw an
>>>>>>                             exception. Several of the gtk3
>>>>>>                             conversions failed to meet this test
>>>>>>                             and so fail. The issue is whether
>>>>>>                             curated activities be limited to ones
>>>>>>                             converted to gtk3. The positive is
>>>>>>                             that Sugar could revert to releasing
>>>>>>                             and maintaining only a single
>>>>>>                             version. The downside is that 100 or
>>>>>>                             more activities will no longer be
>>>>>>                             available. Specifically, in our
>>>>>>                             implementation of ASLO, we need to
>>>>>>                             show which versions of an activity
>>>>>>                             work on which versions of Sugar (e.g.
>>>>>>                             i86, arm, amd64, sugar or sugar3, and
>>>>>>                             so on). We also need to show which
>>>>>>                             ones support localization. There are
>>>>>>                             many English activities and many
>>>>>>                             Spanish activities that make no
>>>>>>                             provision for localization. Luckily
>>>>>>                             there are many that have no language
>>>>>>                             component. However, for many of
>>>>>>                             these, some kind of help is needed to
>>>>>>                             convey the way the activity works.
>>>>>>                             You are wading into a deep and vast
>>>>>>                             body of water!
>>>>>>                             Tony
>>>>>>                             On 04/10/2017 12:00 AM, Jatin
>>>>>>                             Dhankhar wrote:
>>>>>>>                             Hi,
>>>>>>>                             Sorry for the delay. I went through
>>>>>>>                             the polls tutorials and I think I am
>>>>>>>                             getting hang of Django. I have one
>>>>>>>                             query that is out of context, what
>>>>>>>                             is your IRC setup ? IRC doesn't
>>>>>>>                             allow message to be delivered or
>>>>>>>                             stored once either party is offline,
>>>>>>>                             people login through a external
>>>>>>>                             server for IRC's to maintain their
>>>>>>>                             availability in a channel. May I
>>>>>>>                             suggest something like Slack or
>>>>>>>                             Flock for communication. IRC is good
>>>>>>>                             for quick and fast connection but
>>>>>>>                             Slack and alternatives allow easy
>>>>>>>                             communication. (Just a suggestion,
>>>>>>>                             though)
>>>>>>>                             Should I  deploy the same polls app
>>>>>>>                             on DigitalOcean along with CI
>>>>>>>                             pipeline and branching model in the
>>>>>>>                             meantime with code hosted on Github ?
>>>>>>>                             Thanks,
>>>>>>>                             Jatin Dhankhar
>>>>>>>                             On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 6:28 AM, Tony
>>>>>>>                             Anderson <tony_anderson at usa.net
>>>>>>>                             <mailto:tony_anderson at usa.net>> wrote:
>>>>>>>                                 Hi, Jatin
>>>>>>>                                 I abbreviated this thread
>>>>>>>                                 because I am getting complaints
>>>>>>>                                 from the list that the emails
>>>>>>>                                 are too long.
>>>>>>>                                 Yesterday, I was able to
>>>>>>>                                 complete a set of 25 activities
>>>>>>>                                 to use as a test base. The
>>>>>>>                                 Django app now has two views.
>>>>>>>                                 First is a display of all of the
>>>>>>>                                 activities with the icon and
>>>>>>>                                 name. A link for each opens the
>>>>>>>                                 full activity page. The data for
>>>>>>>                                 the views is in a file which is
>>>>>>>                                 a list of jsons, one json per line.
>>>>>>>                                 The  views.py reads this file
>>>>>>>                                 and builds the view from the jsons.
>>>>>>>                                 So the app consists of:
>>>>>>>                                     urls.py
>>>>>>>                                     views.py
>>>>>>>                                     templates/
>>>>>>>                                 base.html
>>>>>>>                                 list.html
>>>>>>>                                 activity.html
>>>>>>>                                 with the data:
>>>>>>>                                 fixtures/activities.json
>>>>>>>                                         icons/
>>>>>>>                                         xo/
>>>>>>>                                 The icons directory has the
>>>>>>>                                 activity icons (*.svg)
>>>>>>>                                 The xo directory has the
>>>>>>>                                 activity bundles (*.xo)
>>>>>>>                                 Meanwhile, I am having more
>>>>>>>                                 troubles with the ISP (a new
>>>>>>>                                 one). When that gets resolved, I
>>>>>>>                                 should be able to send the above
>>>>>>>                                 to you.
>>>>>>>                                 I have also mentioned our dialog
>>>>>>>                                 to Walter Bender suggesting that
>>>>>>>                                 you could set up your working
>>>>>>>                                 model as
>>>>>>>                                 activities3.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>>>                                 <http://activities3.sugarlabs.org>.
>>>>>>>                                 This would give you a permanent
>>>>>>>                                 place to do the development and
>>>>>>>                                 make your project visible to the
>>>>>>>                                 community so that we can obtain
>>>>>>>                                 feedback. I aslo suggested that
>>>>>>>                                 the project repository could be
>>>>>>>                                 placed on GitHub so that again
>>>>>>>                                 the community can comment and
>>>>>>>                                 potentially contribute.
>>>>>>>                                 Tony
>>>>>>>                                 On 04/07/2017 12:23 AM, Jatin
>>>>>>>                                 Dhankhar wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                 Hi,
>>>>>>>>                                 I am setting up Django now and
>>>>>>>>                                 going through some tutorials. I
>>>>>>>>                                 will setup the code with a very
>>>>>>>>                                 basic and barebones version of
>>>>>>>>                                 what we want to achieve and put
>>>>>>>>                                 it in a private repo. We can
>>>>>>>>                                 even host it online, since I
>>>>>>>>                                 have some DigitalOcean credit
>>>>>>>>                                 left. Will keep you posted.
>>>>>>>>                                 Thanks.
>>>>>>>>                                 Jatin Dhankhar
>>>>>>>>                                 On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 7:11 AM,
>>>>>>>>                                 Tony Anderson
>>>>>>>>                                 <tony_anderson at usa.net
>>>>>>>>                                 <mailto:tony_anderson at usa.net>>
>>>>>>>>                                 wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                     Hi, Jatin
>>>>>>>>                                     In setting up Django, I
>>>>>>>>                                     think you will do it on
>>>>>>>>                                     your computer not on a
>>>>>>>>                                     separate server. Django
>>>>>>>>                                     handles that through its
>>>>>>>>                                     own server and has sgqlite
>>>>>>>>                                     as a database built-in. A
>>>>>>>>                                     good first start would be
>>>>>>>>                                     to set up the tutorial app
>>>>>>>>                                     (https://www.djangoproject.com/).
>>>>>>>>                                     Essentially you will need
>>>>>>>>                                     to install django and then
>>>>>>>>                                     set up the tutorial app
>>>>>>>>                                     'poll'. Working through
>>>>>>>>                                     this tutorial will help a
>>>>>>>>                                     lot later on. The key point
>>>>>>>>                                     is that after initial
>>>>>>>>                                     setup, there are three
>>>>>>>>                                     important elements: url.py
>>>>>>>>                                     which defines the urls to
>>>>>>>>                                     access the application,
>>>>>>>>                                     views.py which is the
>>>>>>>>                                     python code that responds
>>>>>>>>                                     to a request by accessing
>>>>>>>>                                     the db and delivering the
>>>>>>>>                                     relevant information to a
>>>>>>>>                                     template. The template is
>>>>>>>>                                     an html file with variables
>>>>>>>>                                     of the form {{
>>>>>>>>                                     activity.name
>>>>>>>>                                     <http://activity.name> }}
>>>>>>>>                                     transferring information
>>>>>>>>                                     from the view to the template.
>>>>>>>>                                     What I have is an
>>>>>>>>                                     application: aslo. Once you
>>>>>>>>                                     have Django installed and
>>>>>>>>                                     have run the tutorial app
>>>>>>>>                                     through Django's server,
>>>>>>>>                                     you'll be ready.
>>>>>>>>                                     Essentially, you will only
>>>>>>>>                                     need to add aslo as a
>>>>>>>>                                     second app in the settings.
>>>>>>>>                                     One possible confusion is
>>>>>>>>                                     that DJango lives in a
>>>>>>>>                                     project - essentially a
>>>>>>>>                                     directory containing its
>>>>>>>>                                     manage.py admin interface.
>>>>>>>>                                     In the directory is another
>>>>>>>>                                     directory of the same name
>>>>>>>>                                     with the settings.py and
>>>>>>>>                                     url.py. The poll app is a
>>>>>>>>                                     directory in the top-level
>>>>>>>>                                     alongside the inner
>>>>>>>>                                     directory with the project
>>>>>>>>                                     name.
>>>>>>>>                                     For example, my project is
>>>>>>>>                                     schoolsite. So my setup
>>>>>>>>                                     looks like:
>>>>>>>>                                     /library/schoolsite/schoolsite
>>>>>>>>                                     /library/schoolsite/aslo
>>>>>>>>                                     Meanwhile my code links
>>>>>>>>                                     directly to an activity
>>>>>>>>                                     page with no index. I'll
>>>>>>>>                                     add an index so the
>>>>>>>>                                     essential structure will be
>>>>>>>>                                     there. I'll also include
>>>>>>>>                                     the 'fixtures' to set up a
>>>>>>>>                                     25 activity capability.
>>>>>>>>                                     Fixtures are csv files from
>>>>>>>>                                     which the database
>>>>>>>>                                     (metadata) can be loaded.
>>>>>>>>                                     Tony
>>>>                 _______________________________________________
>>>>                 ASLO mailing list
>>>>                 ASLO at lists.sugarlabs.org
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>>>>                 <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/aslo>
>>>>             -- 
>>>>             Walter Bender
>>>>             Sugar Labs
>>>>             http://www.sugarlabs.org
>>     -- 
>>     Walter Bender
>>     Sugar Labs
>>     http://www.sugarlabs.org
> -- 
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org

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